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You will not realize it.. Benefits you do not expect to separate from technology

Follow - Batoul Dawaa

With the technological development of the twenty-first century. With technology becoming an integral part of our lives. A large part of our lives we spend using various means of technology

Where a person spends nearly 11 hours a day using it, whether a phone, laptop, PlayStation, and other fast communication devices.

Which negatively affected our lives. Where technology addiction is causing isolation from relatives and friends. The real world and immersion in the virtual world.

Suffering from lack of sleep, which is accompanied by fatigue, exhaustion and lack of focus in performing various tasks. Therefore, according to fillingthejars, we review several benefits of detaching from technology as follows:

You can accomplish what is required of you in a short time, because your separation from technology gives you extra time in which you can accomplish many tasks.

Spend real time with the people close to you, as this class helps you to become a better communicator with your loved ones and close ones.

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Take a step forward and write and draw some things by hand, it has a special fun in addition to increasing focus.

Get enough sleep, instead of staying up aimlessly, such as playing games, watching TV, or following non-meaningful social media. This makes you work to clear your mind and wake up alert, not distracted, and done for your work.

Technology tells us that we can do a lot of work at one time, and even if that is true, the work will not be complete or organized.

It gives you mental space to organize your thoughts and become alert.

But how do we apply the separation well from technology?

You have to determine the most indispensable means in the home: television, the Internet, the PlayStation, mobile phones, or the computer.

The decision should not be individual, as participation in decision-making leads to the emergence of positive results.

Tell everyone that you are not available on all means after you return from work, so that those close to you do not worry

You can remove all time-scraping apps from your phone. And if you use it at work, you can buy another device and download these applications and leave it at your workplace

Stay tuned Get business detached from technology Benefits of spending real time with people


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