Why do we use the conversation rooms that were identified with the spread of social networking sites that have been greatly linked to people, and made the big world a small village, as modern technology allowed many ways to communicate between people and some of them, which led to the spread of information and news very quickly and in a short timeVery, very different from the past.
Why do we use the chat rooms so that more text information is exchanged between a group of people who may be two or more conversation, what is known as chat that is done through many electronic applications, whether on personal computers, or on mobile and smart phones, and amongThese applications are Messenger, Facebook, WhatsApp, Emo, and many other multiple and multiple chat rooms that help communicate between people, no matter how far away from them.
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The chat rooms are the place where data and information is exchanged between individuals used as one application, and they are present at the same moment, where the room is the technical updates specialized in the field of data exchange via Facebook or Messenger, in which text messages can be sent or through the video camera Voice and image, as chat rooms are also suitable in a distance study or work on each other, in which a number of people can join and explain specific topics related to either work or study, and chat rooms provide time and effort on many users, through which files and photos are sent And videos, so it is a very distinctive communication method.
You can join Facebook chat, by clicking on the chat link, or creating a chat room, it will list you your list of friends, and from them you can select your friends who you want to join them to chat, and the chat room is intended for inviting friends, and you can sendA link to invite them so that they can join, and the idea of chatting may be very practical ideas, especially when business friends or friends gather in general.
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At the end of the article about why we use the chat rooms, and that in order to exchange information and data between people and some of them, it is also one of the modern technological technologies.
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