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What's the difference between the Internet and the Web?

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The Internet is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Web, but it may lead some to wonder: if the Internet was created 20 years earlier, how is it possible that it is only 25 years old?

On March 12, 1989, the proposal put forward by British software engineer Tim Berners-Lee for management at the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN) in Switzerland became a birth document for what is now known as the Global Spiderweb Upholstery, and a few months later this engineer identified the techniques that made the Internet available to all today.

The Internet, by contrast, is certainly not 25 years old, nor is it actually equivalent to what is being celebrated today, the first use of the word Intranet, which came about 15 years before the first actual web page, and was drafted in December 1974 as a way of describing a global system of computers connected to each other through the TCP protocol.

The contours of the Internet began to appear for the first time since the 1950 ’ s, when the US military began to study the idea of connecting computers to networks. In 1969, it launched the Arbant network, which paved the way for what is now the Internet.

ما الفرق بين الإنترنت والويب؟

Among its services, the Internet includes "Webcast", or "Web", speech calendars, e-mail, and file transfer protocols (FTP).

The web, on the other hand, is a system of hypertext documents that are linked to each other and operate on the Internet. The user can browse these documents using a web processor, as well as navigate these pages through hypertext links. These documents are based on text, images and multiple media.

In other words, one of the ways in which one person can interact with another within a given capacity is that Berners-Lee has not connected all the computers in the world, but has developed three different technologies that have made it possible for users to find and exchange information among those systems that are better connected.

The third technique is the “Multiple Text Protocol” (HTTP), which allows for sources related to this Protocol to be brought from all parts of the users and constitutes the main rules allowing applications and transfer of files between browsers and servers.


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