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See: the newest set of imossibles coming soon to smartphones and their beacons

The organization Rahandee revealed the latest version of the expressive faces that it periodically launches. This organization launches the international standards for the encoding of letters, numbers, and letters written in various languages, including, of course, the email. Smart phone companies, social media platforms, and messagesreproduce their own Emogi versions of the organization. These companies usually make minor upgradation adjustments to their Emogi design, but they remain very close to the original.

شاهد: المجموعة الأحدث من الإيموجيز القادمة قريباً إلى الهواتف الذكية وسواها

In addition to the recent updating of many letters and rhinestones in the global code of "Madahed", there has been a revelation of a new set of Imogies. 37 new expressive faces have actually been added to the publication of the Final Medinade 14. By the end of this year, and within the next year, these new expressive faces will reach different bodies around the world.

The new added EMOG list includes the following names:

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Interestingly, there are some new imossibles that are widely controversial because of their inclusion of unusual things. Where there was a lot of controversy about, say, a "pregnant man" in particular. And there are already question marks about adding this new emo around the world. Many companies used to avoid certain shortcuts generally oreven within specific markets. An iPhone sold in China, for example, does not include theTaiwan flag.


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