• English

Provide electricity, learn about your computer consumption "laptop or computer"

Computer consumption of electricity has become an important matter that everyone should be Arab, after the computer has become a basic part of the corners of the home and society in general because it needs most of the life tasks, whether in job affairs or its use in the study as well as in browsing on social media, and therefore users search for knowledgeTheir consumption of electricity is it high or low and we get to know this through this article.

Computer consumption for electricity

It is worth noting, there are studies conducted to know the consumption of electricity, for example, the "Energy Providing" Foundation, which has reached that the home computer consumes 8% of electricity, but this percentage increases on the computer that is used in the practical field in the offices..

A program to calculate electricity consumption for the computer at home

In addition, there are sites through which you can know the amount of electricity consumption about the home computer, which is as follows:

Router consumption rate

The use of the router leads to the consumption of electricity about 30-10 and the result of it is that it is from the bulbs of the network that indicates that the router is effective, but its consumption is not high and when the electricity is interrupted, the router stops.

Consuming the laptop from electricity

It is reported that the use of the laptop consumes electricity ranging between 20-50 watts, and in the case of using the computer this percentage rises, it is preferable to use the laptop instead of the computer, but it must be clarified that the more hours you use for the laptop, especially in the search icon and opening links and videos leads to consumptionHigher than electricity.

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  1. يقولسعاد الجميلة:

    I never worry about the computer, thank God, I installed electricity consumption of solar energy and bought a battery. I ship it with solar energy, like Tony Stark


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