Not only is the drive for green tech companies to be built out of social responsibility, but it's also linked to the company's future business environment.
There are many environmental problems that can no longer be solved except through green initiatives in the production, services and manufacturing sector.
For companies to find more innovative ways to integrate environmentally friendly practices into their business processes.
In addition, the website "Connéché e Magyagy Fu Mahmood" published a report containing the most important companies that will be transformed into green technology this year.
2- Dell
Dell, the leading computer manufacturer, has come up with a solution to safely dispose of its products through an effective recycling program, allowing its customers to return any of its devices for free.
This encourages the safe disposal and the number of electronic waste, and the company accepts printers, computers and printers from other trademarks as well for the safe disposal of waste.
Google has made tremendous efforts to shift to green technology, setting up the most energy-efficient data centres, campaigning for energy conservation, renewable energy sources and clean energy products, and financing green energy projects through the purchase and maintenance of windmills and solar panels.
Bank of America
Tesla Motors
Wal-Mart stores, which are considered one of the largest retailers in the world, have established a strict policy for suppliers whose manufacturing and distribution methods cause the carbon content to increase. The company also uses renewable energy sources by 100%, and its transportation systems maintain fuel efficiency.
The company has invested a lot of resources to produce fuel-efficient cars, continuously developed cars that use hydrogen fuel cells, so the company has been classified as one of the most fuel-efficient car producers in the United States, and the company has also pledged to reduce carbon emissions.
The airline spent more than $16 billion switching all its aircraft for fuel-efficient ones to reduce emissions by 5%, and since 2000, it has reduced its nitrogen oxide emissions by 75%.
The company has hired about 12 environmental employees to work with engine manufacturers to ensure that more efficient environmentally friendly designs are manufactured, and it recycles its waste.
The company has taken great steps to achieve three important environmental goals: water conservation, energy and climate conservation, and sustainable mobilization. The company is actively involved in community recycling programs, the efficient use of energy in production, as well as the design of an environmentally-friendly appendage.
The car has been sold to more than 38 countries worldwide, where the US Environmental Protection Agency has recognized fuel efficiency, and is classified in the United Kingdom as the third lowest carbon-emitting vehicle.