• English

The English language on Moroccan radio.. Will the dominance of the French be ended?

Involvement of public radio, in turn, the Ministry of National Education continues its efforts to expand the presence of English by launching a radio program that improves the knowledge of children and the various listening segments on the level of this language.

The radio program’s step will be in front of the bet of attracting listeners, especially in light of the decline in the scope of listening to “radio” among children, and the great spread that English learning platforms and channels are witnessing on various social media.

The Ministry of National Education ended the ministry to inform the students, their mothers, fathers and guardians, that starting Monday, a new radio program will be broadcast to learn the English language.

Since 2015, the Supreme Council for Education and Training issued a recommendation to include the English language in the fourth year of primary education, at the end of the current ten years, in order to provide teachers and complete the required pedagogical requirements.

اللغة الإنجليزية على أثير الإذاعة المغربية .. هل يتم إنهاء هيمنة الفرنسية؟‬

For its part, the proposals of the committee on the development model at the linguistic level remained limited to restoring the existing in defending national languages, and defending openness to foreign languages. They are traditional recommendations put forward at the level of many institutions.

Official data indicate that in 1995, when the Anglo-Saxon universities opened in Morocco, between 10 and 15 percent of students entered the university without the need for language reinforcement, while accurate data are absent for the time being.

Hafeez Bahou, a professor and researcher in the PhD course at the Faculty of Education Sciences, noted that “no one denies that our Moroccan educational system suffers from a language deficit that relies heavily on the French language, in contrast to other foreign languages.”

Baho added that French did not give the desired addition for more than half a century, as it was adopted as a first foreign language. The language, even if it has not yet lived up to the ambitions,” adding that “the Ministry of Higher Education has imposed on PhD researchers to publish a refereed scientific article in English in one of the internationally classified journals before discussing the thesis.”

The authorized Hespress links the move of the Ministry and the National Radio and Television Company to the actual attempts of the Moroccan educational system to diversify the languages ​​of its teaching, and to rely little by little on the English language, as a living language.

Baho also considered that "Morocco is running the race to achieve the desired development, in a complex international context, but at the same time betting on a French language exhausted by the testimony of the French themselves," asking: "Why is Morocco still betting on this language?"


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