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The best way to open Wi -Fi networks and get the password for free

As is well known, the Internet is an urgent need that is indispensable here in our time. You will not find a place without Wi -Fi networks.However, the percentage of these networks is not completely 100 percent, and therefore a large number of these networks are easily penetrated.

المحتويات إخفاء 11- Netstumbler program 22- Wireshark program 33- Cowpatty 44- Airjack 55- Wepattack 66- omnipeek program

Piracy has evolved to the extent of making applications capable of penetrating Wi -Fi networks only through your Druze, and therefore you can stay connected to the Internet wherever you go as long as you have a group of networks and there are many reasons that contributed to the widespread spread of applications between users and the most important of which are free, effective and easy to use, asThrough these applications, you can also protect your network from penetration, if they have gaps, problems, or so to that.

Despite all this, the penetration with Android may encounter several problems, as your use of some programs may impose on you to activate the root feature in your Android and this may some of your phone data to damage so that you are vulnerable to attacks by malicious files, although the hacking operations are often conducted by AndroidTo success, it does not hide the dangerous aspect of this.

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Consequently, the penetration by the computer remains the perfect solution for this, because the computers adopt systems that allow you to use very strong programs and tools to encrypt passwords easily, so that you are able to put these programs in USB or CD and in this way you can also penetrate Wi -Fi wherever you are gone.Which we will display in this article is free and easy to use and also.

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1- Netstumbler program

The Netstumbler program is to check all the Wi -Fi networks near you, the password has been extracted, and therefore you can benefit from the Internet through your automatic connection to the programs, allocate this application basically to examine your network and reveal any gaps or security problems in itThat is, it is a network safety test tool and at the same time is a penetration tool for the rest.

What is wrong with the program is that it only works on Windows systems, and you cannot use it on Bit64 systems and the reason for this is that the last update of this program dates back to the year 2004.

2- Wireshark program

Wireshark password detection program.This application is considered one of the most famous programs dedicated to the network safety test, by revealing these networks and seeing all the information related to it, with the disclosure of the level of safety of these networks and thus you will shorten the time when you penetrate the Wi -Fi networks by identifying the lowest secure network among them, which will facilitateYou have to encrypt its password, but the program will require you to have the ability to analyze Wi -Fi networks, otherwise this program will have a role that denotes.

3- Cowpatty

WOWPATY Computer Password Detection Program.The function of this program revolves around hacking networks on the use of a list that includes passwords previously broken in the network router of the same type that you want to penetrate, and thus the application experiences that list of passwords on the target router network, also the program works to detect networks and security gapsWith it when it encodes WPA.What makes this application strong and famous that it is able to break any password, no matter how complicated and difficult, it requires only a somewhat long period of time to do this and this is due to the fact that it breaks a huge number of secrets from SSID.

4- Airjack

Airjack's best application to detect the Airjack.You can work with this program according to two jobs in the first to penetrate Wi -Fi networks, by launching inverse attacks after disabled the network by exposure to data packages and using it in the opposite attack to get the password, you can be adopted in the function of protection from this attack on your network, that is, it is an attack instrumentA protective shield at the same time.

5- Wepattack

This application is considered one of the best used applications in 2018 and is used to detect the Wi -Fi password, and from the cultivation of the name of the program, you will see that it depends on its penetration of Wi -Fi networks on targeting the type of networks that are characterizedA brief does not exceed a second in an attack against the Wi -Fi network, so everything the program requires to do this is:

6- omnipeek program

It also works as a network to test networks from penetration, appointed mainly to the experience of major networks of hacking and measuring the extent of their safety, and at the same time this program is a penetration tool, and it is worth noting that this application works only on the Windows system, so what you need to download the application is to install the network selectionThat you want to penetrate, you will separate you and contact the network.


مشرفتابع على تويترأرسل بريدا إلكترونيا2020-06-01آخر تحديث: 2020-06-010 3٬5713 دقائق شاركها فيسبوك تويتر واتساب تيلقرام ڤايبرعبر البريد طباعة


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