• English

The rolox playground makes you $1 million.

The recent Roblocks games, played by about 100 million players, have achieved great success over their popularity beyond Tic Tock and Snapchat, of which $1 million can be awarded.

“YouTube Games”

وروبلوكس ليست مجرد لعبة، بل هي عبارة عن منصة تجمع ملايين الألعاب، والتي دشنها جميعا مجتمع اللاعبين، بحيث يمكن القول إن روبلوكس هي “YouTube Games”، لكنها تحتوي على ألعاب متنوعة ينشأها المستخدمون بدلا من المحتوى في حالة يوتيوب، وهو ما يجعلها أيضا تشبه منصة Steam للكمبيوتر الشخصي أكثر من أي لعبة أطفال أخرى متوفرة الآن.

After the Ruplex Games, which were launched in 2006 and have been continuously growing since then, players or users can start catalogue games and run favorite films, with the social madda provided by the games, including the ability to add friends and chat with them during play.

More than 100 million players are children and adults. Although the game ’ s developer hasn ’ t released user details, she said 40% of them are women and girls.

منصة ألعاب روبلوكس تمكنك من ربح مليون دولار

Popularity of the shovel blox

Robleaux. And simulated.

Players can play the game of Roblox and the toys available inside it for free, but the games involve purchases inside the game like other games such as Fortune, Piggy, and others, such as the possibility of buying ornaments or pythmids and special costumes and others, or even buying an egg with a pet in it, for example, in one of the games.

The profit from the rolox games.

After that, money can be made by adding options within the same game to purchases of special privileges or skipping stages and others in a virtual currency called Rupeloux, which the company replaces for the dollar upon reaching a certain limit. Players can profit up to $1 million from their games within a year, and it is reported that the company paid more than $100 million to its game developers in 2019 alone.


وعلى غرار V-Bucks في لعبة فورتنايت، يمكن للاعبين شراء Roboxx. للاستخدام في العاب روبلوكس المتنوعة، وذلك لشراء أو الحصول على ترقيات أو مزايا حصرية وغيرها، ويكلف شراء 400 عملة روبوكس المستخدم 4.99 دولار أمريكي، مع إمكانية شراء 1700 عملة روبوكس مقابل 19.99 دولار أمريكي، مع إمكانية الحصول على المزيد من العملات من خلال اشتراك شهري.


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