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Put the phone away! Three reasons why looking at it before bed is a bad habit.

Like a guard dog doing it, your smartphone is probably next to you (or even under the sun) every night when you go to sleep. You can answer calls and text and email at any moment even during the early hours of the night.

Isn't that the best part of technology? Are you always connected and not deactivated or logged out at all?

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Not so fast. Maybe you don't even realize how your smartphone habits affect our friends. What may seem to you a harmless habit -- jumping into bed and opening your phone -- can have a great impact on the general commons.

The sleep disorder specialist, Neet Waliamd, sheds some light on this bedtime habit.

ضع الهاتف بعيدًا! 3 أسباب تجعل النظر إليه قبل النوم عادة سيئة اهم اخبار

1. Keep your mind psychologically engaged.

The smartphones are designed to make us more productive and to make our lives easier. It was designed to entertain us and provide information. But when it's time to turn off the lights and sleep, the last thing our brain needs is more information and more entertainment. (This seems fair enough — we give our language enough to think about it during the day!)

"The examination of your phone stimulates the brain, so we are more active and more inactive," says Dr. Walia. "Even a quick examination can occupy your mind and delay sleep."

What can make this habit worse is the need for permanent and accessible communication. Dr. Walia warns against the idea that you should reply, publish or pass immediately. The age of smartphones has forced us to feel like we can't really record going out, even when we're sleeping.

2. The blue light from the screen prevents melatonin

دعونا نقطع الطريق للمطاردة. الضوء الأزرق الذي ينبعث من هاتفك الذكي ليس سيئًا فقط على رؤيتك، ولكنه سيء ​​لعقلك أيضًا. يقول الدكتور واليا إن الأبحاث قد وجدت علاقة بين المستويات المكبوتة من الميلاتونين والتعرض للضوء الأزرق.

Melatonin is the principal in charge of controlling the sleep cycle and stellar.

The addition of the blue light to your phone right before bed leads to the disruption of the inner clock of the Cage and its rhythm.

Maybe you know what it's like to pass through the F and go to bed right before you go to sleep and see something that makes you upset. Even seeing something that makes you happy right before sleep can lead to a response that prolongs falling sleep, thus delaying the sleep of rapid eye movement. These feelings can be raised in the ceiling for hours while you're awake.

Dr. Walia says that checking your phone just before bed can lead to diversions of feelings and anxiety.

And it's not just the time you get from the social media sessions late at night as well. He's listening to this e-mail ring to let you know that the project is in full swing.

It distracts you, keeps you awake, stimulates your brain and delays the sleep of rapid eye movement.

So what should you do? If you're a user of night technology, it's important to set some ground rules for use near bedtime.

Dr. Walia recommends cutting off the screen an hour before bed, but she says there's even benefits to stop it just 30 minutes before bed. Smart phones are certainly the main cause, but even tablets and television sets can produce blue light that can contribute to sleeplessness.

It is important to create a comfortable sleep time routine and discourage activities that can lead to anxiety or high response. Dr. Wallet recommends the choice of night activities that promote sleep.

Source: Rahavip.

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