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A new smart version of Michael Corses Runway

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إصدار ذكي جديد من ساعة مايكل كورس Runway


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The Michael Kors brand has announced the return of its iconic watch as a creative smart watch, and this new attractive version came to be the latest addition to the famous Michass Corses collection Access.This new watch displays a very dedicated experience, as it is provided with a technique of heartbeat, a technique that guarantees its operation without problems when swimming, payment methods supported by the near -range connection feature, NFC, GPS and other useful properties.In addition to the three classic coatings made of stainless steel, the brand also provided the first forms of its silicon bracelets in that collection, which is the quality of the suitable bracelets for people who want a smart watch to move from the exercise of night outputs with all comfort.

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كلمات مفتاحية :#ساعات#مايكل#كورس#إيلاف في
أنيمتة كلينكبي، ترجمة: أشرف أبو جلالة المزيد من المقالات

ساعات العمل الطويلة تعرض النساء للسكري

ساعات مايكل كورس بلمسة عصرية

تطبيق جديد يساعد على فهم أسرار صناعة الساعات


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