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More reading you might like, too. Share things you should know before buying TV.

Therefore, we will explain to you in detail on this subject the criteria for choosing the television screen and how to find out which type is appropriate for you and for your use.

I understand the difference between screen techniques.

Never leave your mind in the hands of the seller, and before you go to buy the screen, you have to do an online search, and you will easily reach the difference between HD, FHD, HDR-4k, and after you know the difference between them, the impact of each technology on the screen, you can easily determine which technology is right for you.

Smart and normal

Screen Size

عند اختيار Screen Size لا تفكر ابدا في ان شاشة مثلا ٦٥ بوصة عليها عرض جيد لذلك يجب أن اشتريها بل عليك إختيار Screen Size المناسب للمكان التي سوف توضع فيه فقط


حتى لا تتشتت على تحديد نطاق Price اولا المناسب لك لتقوم بإقصاء بعض الشاشات الأخرى التي لن تكون قادر على شرائها سواء لإرتفاع شكلها بشكل مبالغ او لاي سبب اخر سنقوم في الفقرة القادمة باستعراض ابرز اسعار الشاشات المتواجدة في السوق

The following we will explain to you some features that you prefer to meet on one screen.

الأكثر قراءة قد يعجبك أيضا شارك برأيك أشياء عليك معرفتها قبل شراء شاشة التلفاز

The HDR is a HDR that makes the exact details very clear, both in the brightest and in the dark.

The Smart Things app makes the user control the screen through his mobile after downloading that app.

Cloud's service is the Samsung Cloud service, which makes the user able to read his notes on the screen in a clearer and more comfortable voice.

The prices of Toshiba's gauze.

To know the prices of other types, click on the next word, the prices of the interns.



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