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Your face is older than your age.. 5 common habits that cause aging


Follow us also on Twitter @alwatanvoice Most women suffer from the appearance of some spots on their skin and its lack of freshness, and it is one of the manifestations of aging that bothers most women, especially after the age of thirty, so we present to you in this report the reasons why your face is older than your age, according to the “Care2” website. Smoking: There are many reasons to abstain from smoking, and avoiding premature skin aging is one of them. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “People who smoke tend to have more wrinkles than non-smokers of the same age, complexion, and history.” Exposure to the sun.” 2- Smartphone: The blue light emitted by smartphones and laptops leads to insomnia, and thus premature aging. Recent research has confirmed that blue light leads to more hyperpigmentation of the skin, compared to exposure to the effect of exposure. Another study found that blue light causes oxidative stress in the skin, so experts advise reducing the time spent using these devices. Always on the face. According to the "Cleveland Clinic" website: "Sleeping differences usually appear on the side of the forehead, starting from the eyebrows to the hairline, near the temples, as well as in the middle of the cheeks. These lines are caused by the way the head is placed on the pillow, experts advise lying down On the back during sleep to avoid the appearance of these wrinkles, but if the sleeping position cannot be adjusted, the pillow can be changed to a softer and smoother type of fabric that does not harm the facial skin. Driving in the sun causes some wrinkles to appear on the face.As people reach the age of thirty and forty, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, so it is easy for these repetitive facial movements to leave their marks.Whenever possible, the Cleveland Clinic states that frowns should be avoided. Face Pollution 5- Improving Diet: The quality of the diet is an important criterion in protecting against the appearance of older facial features than the person actually is.The American Academy of Dermatology notes that “eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may help prevent skin damage.” This leads to premature skin aging. The results of scientific studies indicate that a diet that contains a lot of sugar or other refined carbohydrates can accelerate aging."

وجهك أكبر من سنك.. 5 عادات شائعة تسبب الشيخوخة


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