• English

Watab deposits millions of phones forever from Samsung, LJ, Huawei, Sonny and Talboon. Identify the whole list.

Stop and sleep on the old phones.

Phones that have forever stopped.

There is a set of phones on which Watasab's application does not work forever in the coming period, and it is an old issue, and it cannot account for the modern technological changes that the Watts Up company is making. These are as follows:

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  1. يقولصباح الخير الهجا:


    واتساب يودع ملايين الهواتف للأبد من سامسونج وإل جي وهواوي وسوني وآيفون .. تعرف على القائمة كاملة

  2. يقولYousef Eshag:

    "G" and "G".


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