• English

What is the risk of necklaces that protect people from 5G mobile networks?

It has been found that the announced necklaces to protect people from 5G were exposed to radiation.

In an article translated by "Voice of Beirut International": The Dutch Nuclear Safety and Radiation Authority (AnVS) issued a statement yesterday asking people to store one of ten products that had been identified, in a safe way, kept them away from them and contacting the authority if they possess one of them.

The tests found that the products, which include a sleep mask/ bracelet gangs and necklaces, contain radioactive materials and therefore they are constantly emerging radiation.

One of the listed bracelets was intended for wear by children.The statement said: Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause harmful health effects.

Due to the potential health risks they constitute, these consumer products that contain radioactive materials are prohibited under the law.The ionizing radiation can damage tissues and DNA and can cause for example red skin.

ما خطورة القلادات التي تحمي الأشخاص من شبكات الهاتف المحمول 5 جي؟

Only low levels of radiation were measured on these specific products.However, the person wearing a product of this type for a long time (24 hours a day) can expose himself to a level of radiation that exceeds the strict level of exposure to the skin applied in the Netherlands."To avoid any risk that AnVs invites the owners of these products not to wear them from now on.".

The site listed a full list of products that you have selected.

The authority also warned against not getting rid of products in regular waste, as they should be disposed of using different methods due to radiation.

According to the World Health Organization, there are yet no harmful health effects linked to exposure to wireless technologies.

Last year, a scientific study confirmed that 5 J "is not harmful and benign '' in response to the conspiracy theorists who claimed that the next generation network caused illness.

American researchers have revealed the effects of radiation radiation resulting from the high -speed mobile internet that it has small health effects.

The study came after sabotaging several 5G maids during the closure in 2020 after an unfounded conspiracy theories that say that the shape of the wireless communication causes Kofid-19..


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