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What are the best raydoun phones that can be bought in 2021?

Apple has changed its strategy dramatically, since the launch of its first phone, Nahardon, 14 years ago, by Steve Jobs, the late CEO, in 2007, beginning a new phase.

In the early years of its launch, Apple gave the buyer one phone each year, with only the trade-off option between internal storage capacity, but this has now changed with the new strategy.

In recent years, Apple has begun to produce a large and diverse collection of raydoun phones every year, so that this year it is selling on its site 7 of the phones “Sardun”, five of which were launched last year.

Phones differ in size, design, timing and price, and their internal storage options amount to 512 gigabytes, giving them a better chance to compete strongly with giant Shredded telephone companies.

Not all iPhones are expensive as expected, with Apple offering different prices beginning with $339 for a PHONE SE phone and up to $1,399 for Phone-12 Brox.

In this report, we review the best “Sardun” phones that can be procured on the basis of need and budget:

ما هي أفضل هواتف

% 1

يعتبر هاتف آيفون 12 هو الخيار الأنسب للشراء خلال عام 2021 من حيث السعر والمواصفات، فإذا نظرت عن كثب، ستدرك أنه في الأساس هاتف آيفون 12 برو % 1 Pro مع تخفيض سعره 200 دولار تقريبا.

Both are involved in design, starter, processor, battery, front-line support, 5G networks support, MagSafy wireless shipping feature, and differ in backcamera, processor and internal storage options only.

% 1 Pro Max

This phone is an appropriate choice for people who prefer large phones, and who plan to use their phones in the first place not to shoot pictures and watch videos.

The Phones 12 Pros Max shares an iPhone with 12 Pro in almost all specifications, but surpasses the size of the screen and battery only. But it's still the best for those who love photography and improve their productivity, since it's the largest iPhone to date.

It is characterized as the smallest phone offered by Apple, available at a very convenient price, and is considered an ideal option for anyone who does not prefer large smartphones, or wants a smaller phone that can easily fit with one hand. In addition, it is the only phone on the list that contains the main screen button.

% 1 Pro

هو البديل الأرخص لهاتف % 1 Pro Max، حيث إنه أرخص بقيمة 200 دولار تقريبا، ويمنحك الأداء نفسه، والميزات القوية، ولكنه يضم شاشة أصغر قليلا، وبطارية أصغر وكاميرا تليفوتوغرافية تدعم التقريب البصري حتى 4x، والتقريب الرقمي حتى 10 مرات 10x فقط بدلا من التقريب البصري حتى 5x، والتقريب الرقمي حتى 12 مرة في (% 1 Pro Max).


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