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American airlines warn that 5G networks may cause planes and cause "chaos" |world News

Executive heads of many major American airlines to transport passengers and goods warned of an imminent "catastrophic" crisis that could come in less than two days when telecommunications companies publish a new 5G service.

حذرت شركات الطيران من أن خدمة C-Band 5G الجديدة، المقرر إطلاقها من قبل AT&T و Verizon في الولايات المتحدة يوم الأربعاء، قد تترك عددًا كبيرًا من الطائرات ذات الجسم العريض غير صالحة للاستخدام.

They said that it could also "cause tens of thousands of Americans abroad" and cause "chaos" of American flights.

The American Airlines CEO, Delta Airlines, United Eleles, South West Airlines, and others wrote: “Unless our main aircraft centers are not allowed to fly, the vast majority of travelers and shipping will be mainly stopped.”

5G: What is, what will he do, and is he safe?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned that potential overlap may affect sensitive aircraft tools such as height measuring devices and greatly impedes low vision operations.

The speech warned that "this means that yesterday, like yesterday, more than 1100 trips and 100,000 passengers will be canceled, transferred or delayed."

On Monday, many airlines were studying whether some international flights to arrive in the United States on Wednesday were canceled.

"With the proposed restrictions in the selected airports, the transport industry is preparing for some service interruption.We are optimistic that we can work across industries and with the government to finish the touches on solutions that safely reduce the largest possible number of effects of the schedule. ”Monday.

Grind to stop '

شركات الطيران الأمريكية تحذر من أن شبكات الجيل الخامس 5G قد تسبب هبوط طائرات وتسبب “فوضى” | اخبار العالم

The message that calls for urgent action was also signed by UPS Airlines, Alaska Air, ATLAS AIR, Jetblue Airways and Fedex Express.

She claimed that "frankly, the nation's trade will stop."

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it "will continue to ensure that the travelers' fans are safe with wireless companies deploying the fifth -generation networks.The Federal Aviation Administration continues to work with the aviation industry and wireless companies to try to reduce delays and cancel flights related to the fifth generation networks.

اتفقت AT&T و Verizon على مناطق عازلة حول 50 مطارًا لتقليل مخاطر التداخل.

They also agreed to postpone the publication for two weeks until Wednesday after delaying the service for 30 days.

Communications providers argued that C-Band 5G was successfully published in about 40 other countries without causing problems by interfering with airlines.

What about the United Kingdom?

The UK Civil Aviation Authority, mobile phone and Offcom on January 7 in response to the United States' concerns, saying that, at this stage, it is not involved in the concerns of those across the Atlantic Ocean.

A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Authority, the British equivalent of the Federal Aviation Administration, said:

“No incidents have been reported that aircraft systems were affected by 5G transmission in the United Kingdom’s airspace, but we are nevertheless working with Offcom and the Ministry of Defense to ensure that the deployment of 5G in the UK does not cause any technical problems of the aircraft."

Gareth Elliot, head of Mobile UK policies and communications, said, "Mobile UK, UK mobile network operators follow all health and safety guidelines and are dealing with a variety of industries on overlap," said Gareth Elliot, head of Mobile UK policies, which represent mobile networks.Portfolo operators are actively coordinating with the airline to ensure that the UK is not interfering.

An Offic spokesman said: “We realize that the aviation sector is looking into this,” said an Offic spokesman.We have done our own technical analysis and we have not yet seen any evidence that would cause our concern. ”


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