• English

The unified number of social security, free developer 1443 for complaints registration registration SBIS

We provide the unified social security number 1443 to communicate with the technical support of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development on the developed social security program 1443, where there are many applicants facing some problems during the process of registration in the new social security and they want to inquire about the correct steps and how to add data of one of the files of the file The unified, as some want to inquire about the social security situation in terms of qualification and lack thereof after text messages have been sent to the mobile phones registered in the system stating that the applicant rejects, while the status of the request in the support platform under the audit, so we have provided the developed social security phone number, in addition to Attach the application to apply for the new official social security to register for the social security beneficiaries support program, and the method of calculating the developed guarantee can be viewed through my culture now.

The unified social security number, developed 1443

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has been officially announced that the developed social security program enforced from mid -November last year, and since then the support and social subsidy platform has received requests to register in the developed system for social security to join it in order to achieve the benefit of the guarantee pensionProvided by the Ministry to the beneficiaries.

Where it allowed the possibility of registration in the program in front of all those wishing to join the developed program, while those who apply to the conditions of eligibility and the criteria of the new entitlement are accepted even if it is one of the previous beneficiaries according to the old system, then these are subject to study again to know whether they are worthy or not according to the new conditionsAnd there are many problems facing applicants while applying for the program and after completing the data filling process.

Where the system sent some of the applicants text messages that include the refusal of the applicant and the reason is the records of the Public Authority for Zakat indicating that the tax registered on the commercial registry of the family's family exceeds the minimum, while the applicant deleted his commercial record, and there are some applicants as well as the messages of apologizing for acceptance for lack of conformityConditions for entitlement to the medicine submitted on their part.

الرقم الموحد الضمان الاجتماعي المطور المجاني 1443 لشكاوى تسجيل النظام المطور Sbis

While they emphasize that they do not violate any of the new warranty conditions, in addition to the fact that their request is "under the audit" and has not changed to an unqualified, and there are those who want to inquire about the date of social security developer, the second batch of the month of March, so they want toCommunicating with the technical support of the Ministry, where you can now contact the free social security number, thus:

Link to registration on the social security platform, developer 1443

The new social security platform allows the ability to communicate with the ministry or with customer service by lifting tickets, where the ticket icon is clicked from the main menu and then choosing the main classification appropriate for the problem that you face, then choose the sub -classification to determine the problem, then write its description briefly, and fromThen he raised the ticket to be resolved by technical support for human resources.

Also through the support platform, requests for registration in the developed social security system are received around the clock, where the entry is logged into the platform through follow the attached official link, then clicking on a new registration and filling all the required data properly to finish the process of creating a new user that takes place fromDuring the application to the new social security 1443, whoever wants to obtain the developed warranty link can be through the following:

How to present the new social security 1443

The registration is registered in the developed social security by entering the support platform and pressing the "New Registration" button, then filling in the necessary information, which is the identity, mobile, date of birth and the creation of the password, then approval of the conditions and conditions, and click on registration, and the mobile health will be verified fromWhile sending the activation code, fill the code and click "Document", and you will be transferred to the main interface of the identity and password.

Thus, you have created an account through which you can apply for the program of supporting social security beneficiaries, developed 1443, to start filling in the unified file data by clicking on “Going to the Unified File”, and the first file boxes start with the basic data that consist of the name, identity and mobile numberAnd the date of birth, then the personal data, which is the first name, the name of the father, grandfather, family, age, sex, nationality, and the state of life.

The system will present a question about the marital status, are you single, absolute, or width, and are they with special needs or from the previous social security beneficiaries, then filling the bank account number, and here the applicant must investigate the accuracy when filling the IBAN and be identical to the applicant's name, thenClicking on the data, to start filling out the address details, and you must complete the boxes as it is registered in the national address, and you can view the method of registration in the social security developed through the following video:

At the present time, many applicants are awaiting the announcement of the results of the eligibility to find out whether they are accepted in the program or not, as the ministry has not yet declared the date of the social security developed in the bank accounts of the beneficiaries, and any talk about the date of the disbursement of the new social security is like personal jurisprudenceFor some sites or accounts on various social media sites, so it must be noted that human resources have not set an appointment to launch the results of eligibility, nor a date to spend dues so far.

New Social Security Conditions 1443

After providing the unified social security number developed to communicate with the technical support to the Ministry of Human Resources, we have provided the conditions of the new entitlement announced by the ministry to know it before the start of submitting a new request in the developed program, where you can view the registration conditions through the following:

Developed Social Security phone number 1443

Human resources and social development of citizens allow the ability to communicate with technical support by calling the unified social security number 19911 to submit a complaint and obtain an inquiry related to financial payments or social security case in terms of eligibility and entitlement or related to the process of registration in the new social security system, and othersThings related to the developed program.


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