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The date for the inclusion of the comprehensive qualification of orphans and people of determination hrsd.gov.sa and expectations of Ramadan aid and honor from King Salman

HRSD.GOV.SA Date and Display of Complete Rehabilitation HRSD.GOV.SA Conditions and Conditions to support orphans and persons with disabilities and the way to erase the date of exchange for the month of Shaban 1443 corresponding to March 2022, and the method of comprehensive rehabilitation survey HRSD.gov.sa using the national number, for days and persons with disabilities, as wellHow to update rehabilitation data, on the Saudi Ministry of Labor and Social Development website, which is a service provided by the Ministry to the people covered by Saudi support.Government.

Steps to register data and update the medical report for full rehabilitation 1442


Comprehensive qualification is one of the social protection umbrellas enjoyed by the Kingdom's citizens with low incomes, and comprehensive rehabilitation is a financial assistance for people with special needs that includes both disabled and orphans. The month until the end of the current Hijri year.

موعد نزول وصرف التأهيل الشامل للأيتام وأصحاب الهمم hrsd.gov.sa وتوقعات بمعونة ومكرمة رمضانية من الملك سلمان

The date of release and complete rehabilitation of orphans and people specified hrsd.gov.sa for the month of Shaban 1443

An official source in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development determines that the date of the full qualification will be before the beginning of Ramadan 1443, on Sunday morning, March 27, 2022. This year, as in previous years, especially with the wave.From inflation and high prices that affected all countries, including the Kingdom, and it should be noted that the amount of 1.9 billion riyals has been allocated for this year in Ramadan 1442 last Ramadan, and it was paid to the beneficiaries and beneficiaries of social security.

Conditions for obtaining a comprehensive qualification allowance for the disabled and orphans

Steps to inquire about the rehabilitation bloc grant hrsd.gov.sa

  1. للاتصال بـ رابط وزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية في دائرة شؤون المعوقين والأيتام.
  2. أدخل رقم المستفيد.
  3. أدخل رقم الهوية الوطنية.
  4. اختر نوع المخصص سواء كان مخصصات عجز أو مخصصات عائلية للأيتام.
  5. أدخل التحقق من الاستخدام البشري ، وهو رقم متعدد الأرقام.
  6. أخيرًا ، انقر فوق عرض الكلمات.
  7. في حالة عدم قدرتك على الحصول على معلومات كافية ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات ، يمكنك الاتصال بهاتف الوزارة على 0114778888.

How to track the status of financial assistance for disability

After applying for financial assistance for disability in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you can follow the status of your request by clicking on the icon of “My requests”, in addition to what will receive you in a short text message on your registered mobile phone, in the event of any changes in the case of the request.

How do I apply for a rehabilitation block grant?


It should be noted that in the event that the beneficiary of comprehensive training is not able to obtain sufficient information on the comprehensive training program, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has provided a number for inquiries, and thus this is possible to contact the ministry’s phone “0114778888” for more information.

How to update medical data for persons with disabilities


Inquiries about the date of the descent of the salary rehabilitation bloc 1442

If you have any questions about comprehensive rehabilitation, or track the status of financial assistance request for disability, or how to update the data for days and disabilities, or the requirements for registration and submission to obtain a global rehabilitation grant, as well as Ramadan Karma issued by King Salman with a royal order, you can contact usThrough the comments in this report, we will work hard to respond to all your requests.

The date for the release of aid and its disbursement from King Salman for the month of Ramadan 1443

It is noteworthy that the gift of King Salman Ramadan for the past year was disbursed on 8 Ramadan 1443 by royal order, as it was announced that 1.9 billion riyals were allocated to the beneficiaries of the guarantee, and it is expected that Ramadan aid will be provided.It will be paid after paying a comprehensive rehabilitation salary within a few days.

It should be noted what the Saudi government has achieved by expanding the social welfare circle to include everyone who has registered and submitted requests to obtain the support of the ministry, and the subsidies provided by the Saudi government to those who are entitled to it.Widows and those with low incomes.

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