• English

The controversy of the current media scene between the certainty

لطالما أججتُ النقاش مع طلابي عن تلك المقولة التي سادت منتصف القرن العشرين عن عالم الاجتماع الأمريكي مارشال ماكلوهان (Marshal McLuhan) (1911 – 1980) في إطار مفهوم ودلالة «القرية الكونية» والمعبّر عن كثافة التواصل وتأثيراته العملية، بفعل قدرات وسائط التواصل المتعددة والفائقة السرعة التي اختصرت المسافات ولخصت معنى التواجد الإنساني في حدود فكرة «قرية» واحدة تختزل الوجود البشري، ومستفزًا قدراتهم الذهنية على إدراك معنى التحولات السريعة التي عصفت بالواقع السياسي والثقافي التواصلي في العالم بأسره في القرن العشرين، وبوجه خاص بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية ومع انطلاق عصر التدفق الشمولي للأخبار والمعلومات وبولادة وسائط تواصلية فائقة السرعة والانتشار، منها البث التلفزيوني الفضائي وتطور خدمة الإنترنت والهاتف الخلوي، واحتدام الصراع بين القوى الكبرى لبناء قدرات تقنية تواصلية ومؤسسات إعلامية عابرة للحدود، مضافًا إلى ذلك آفاق التطور التقني الشديد التسارع، والموجّه لاستخدام الفضاء الخارجي بكثافة كمنصة تواصلية لشبكات التلفزيون الفضائي والهاتف إضافة إلى تعزيز القدرات العسكرية والتواصلية لأغراض دفاعية أو غيرها[1].

Within the limits of these discussions between students of media studies, confusion and variation in the individual capabilities of constipation with the tip of the thread to explain the meanings and effects of multiple media and their impact on humans, so intellectual fragmentation between students reflects the difference in the resources of cultures and environments that leave their mark on the way of thinking, and touch the answers between a surrender and an opponent For communication to humanity, however, the majority tended to identify with the temptations and accelerated achievements in the field of growing technical technical capabilities and the diversity of its directions, so that it is difficult to speculate in the form of the next in the future in this field, and shorten its direct impact in one crucible, which is the "cosmic village", and what it means This is in the geographical dimension as a natural cultural space, or the population density of human existence as material content, to visualize the telecommunication of the communication and its nature and its impact in this field in the individual man or societies.

المهم هنا هو إثارة انتباه الطلبة إلى أن ميدانهم البحثي سيبقى في جانب منه رهين ما يمكن إدراجه في معنى ما تقدمه التقنيات التواصلية من إنجازات تجعل فكرة ودلالة كثافة التواصل في إطار تلك الرمزية (القرية الكونية) قابلة للتحقق وملبّية للحاجات الإنسانية، أو أن تلك الفكرة ستكون في المقابل قيدًا على غائية التواصل الإنساني ومانعة أو معطلة لحاجات التطور الطبيعية في الحياة، وبضمنها صيانة الحق الطبيعي في الحصول على المعرفة[2]، وهي إشكالية ستبقى محورًا أساسيًا يواجه جهود البحث العلمي المنهجي في هذا الميدان الإنساني.

First: Facing the flood

Although everything was certain that the intensity of the media, its diversity and ease of connection with it, can actually make us live in a communication crucible that summarizes our world in the environment of what was called the "cosmic village", but one of the students broke this rule with a direct and abbreviated question: What ifThat this village has become (or used intent) as a restriction of human freedom to choose his way of life or select the resources of his political, cultural and social training?

This objectionable question on the development of the achievement of the access to the data of the communication density reminds us of what the scientific achievement is the invention of the first steam press in the world (Nuttenberg in 1450) and the great shift in printing and spreading the press in addition to printing books and distributing them by government authorities in Europe, and the Ottoman state dominated Parts of the Arab world at the time, by expanding the issuance of legislation related to publishing and printing and imposing more restrictions (pre -control and subsequent) and thickening the preventive sanctions to confront the enlightening ideas that threaten the alliance of the "existing system at the time" the authority of the church and feudalism in Europe and the alliance of the religious establishment and the Sultan in Istanbul.

لم يكن ذلك الاعتراض على مخاطر هيمنة الوسائل التواصلية وكثافتها قادمًا من فراغ فكري أو نقص في المعلومات، فقد تنبه علماء الاتصال في فترات لاحقة إلى مخاطر التطورات المتسارعة (وغير المسيطر عليها) لحماية الأفراد والمجتمعات من الاستخدام المقصود أو المبرمج وبضمن ذلك ما عرف اليوم بـ«الهجمات السيبرانية» التي لا تستهدف اختراق المنظومات الاتصالية للدول والشركات الكبرى فقط، بل تسيطر على حواسيب وتدفقات المعلومات لدى الأفراد أيضًا، وتجعل كل الأنظمة والأبواب المغلقة مشرعة ومفتوحة أمام الهيمنة والمصادرة وإعادة البرمجة وإشغالها بأوامر أو بأفكار ومعلومات مغايرة[3].

ثمة شيء جيد وإيجابي تربويًا وعلميًا يمكن استنتاجه من احتدام ذلك الجدل المستهدف بين الطلاب حول دلالة «القرية الكونية»، هو إدراك العلاقات القائمة بين الحاجات والحق في المعرفة والتواصل، وبين حماية هذا الحق والحرية الشخصية والدفاع عنهما إزاء أي تهديدات محتملة أو قائمة فعلًا، وذلك قد يفضي إلى إعادة رسم الحدود بين معنى ودور وسائل الإعلام في الحياة الإنسانية، والمسؤولية الاجتماعية لتلك الوسائل في إطار القيم والنظم السائدة، وتحقيق التوازن بين تلك المعطيات، وبوجه خاص حين تهدد الحروب، ومنها الحروب ضمن السباق المحموم دوليًا للتسلح وحيازة قدرات ووسائل التدمير الشاملة، وفي المقدمة منها السلاح النووي[4] أو تهديدات الكوارث الكونية ومنها ما هو راهن اليوم، تهديد جائحة كورونا ومسلسل أجيالها غير المنظور علميًا، والوقاية منها أو تحديد السقف الزمني لمواجهة تهديدها في الوقت الراهن.

... He was not wasted the effort and time to pursue the different opinions of opinions regarding the meaning of that "cosmic village" and its effects, in which communication scientists found multiple answers to the meaning of acceleration and diversity that led to inclusiveness to the ability of the technical communication possibilities that brought together geography in one space that has a clear indication The communication scientists who came out with their theoretical ideas from the ribs and philosophical residue of sociology to express the strength of the media and its future impact on human life, and these new theories were seeking to answer legitimate questions regarding the repercussions of the second cosmic war (1939-1945) and the emergence of the role of the media and within it propaganda as a worker Decisive in mobilization and mobilization in war. وكانت مدرسة شيكاغو لعلم الاجتماع تتبنى حينها مقولات عالم الاجتماع هارولد لاسويل (Harold Lasswel) في تحديد الوظائف الاجتماعية الثلاث للإعلام، والتي تتلخص في وظيفة مراقبة البيئة ووظيفة تحقيق الترابط الاجتماعي ووظيفة نقل الإرث الاجتماعي[5]، ثم تلاحقت الاجتهادات والنظريات المتعلقة بدور الإعلام، ومنها على سبيل المثال نظرية الحرية أو النظرية الليبرالية، ونظرية المسؤولية الاجتماعية، ونظرية المشارك الاجتماعي.All of these theories depend on the role that the media plays within the framework of society and with the individual directly.

However, the reality today indicates another matter. The media has become a key partner in the public policy industry, and a mediator is located in the road between the major powers conflicting on the sites of power, domination, defense of freedom and national sovereignty, as well as it can be a key factor in the emergence of societal forces within countriesSpecifying its intellectual trends or programs and projects for change, and finally a wide and varied field within the framework of the supposed formulas for financial investment, and considering that investment as an element of power and influence and domination requirements.

It is, that is, the media is one of the preferences in arranging the elements of power in all countries, and the weapon of political institutions is keen to provide its material and human requirements..It is not surprising that developing countries in the world today are investing huge funds in building media institutions to invest in the launch of satellites into space in order to find a platform for the positioning of their space channels, along with other purposes represented by various services such as providing telephone belt and monitoring climate changes or protectionNational Security and others.

إلا أن هذا الفيضان الجارف بما يشبه التسونامي يجعل الإحاطة الفكرية بماهية العمل التواصلي أمرًا بالغ الصعوبة، ويعرض التساؤل المكرر: هل أن زخم تدفق التقنيات التواصلية بهذه الكثافة قد فتح أمام الإنسان مجالًا واسعًا للتعبير عن حريته، أم أن ذلك قد أعاد صوغ شكل القيود الآسرة لحرية الإنسان والمعطلة لقدراته الطبيعية في التعبير عن آرائه وأفكاره[6]؟ هذا السؤال يحضر اليوم بكثافة والعالم بأسره يواجه عدوًا مختلفًا هذه المرة، عدوًا لا نعرف الكثير عنه، ولا نملك القدرة على أن نصفه إرهابيًا – على سبيل المثال – وغير ذلك أننا لم نتعرف عن قرب إلى هيئته وأسلوب حياته وطريقة تفكيره، وأخيرًا عن مصلحته في استهدافه لتدمير الكيان البشري بأسره!

Second: The transformations industry or the marketing of illusion?

There is a saying that leads in its abbreviated to indicate that the lack of information flow is practically identified with the sweeping and varied torrent of the same information, and this is exactly what happened when the world was shocked in a relatively short period at the first days of the spread of the Corona Virus of Virus (Kovid 19) to nominate information about the threat volume The direct that may face the entire humanity, and the urgent need to build boundaries for direct prevention, and in return there was ambiguity and ignorance of the dimensions of that threat and its Medications, and the capabilities of the healthy body of the countries or the whole world to face the spread of the virus, and the size of the expected human losses before the world moved united To put his defenses weapons into effect, including the development and testing of the vaccine, and its provision for the use of security and the act of every human being on this planet.

And not all the story is limited here specifically within the circle of rapid rush to the pace and its spread, and it hit it with small and large countries alike.Indeed, some large countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Italy, in addition to China, where the first launch of the virus, were these countries with all their material, human and technical capabilities, including the equipment of their health institutions, and found themselves as surprising about an unprecedented challenge to enemy who does not have informationWide and accurate about his behavior and transformations, and since the Second World War, she has never faced this kind of risk to its security and peoples, so preparations and preparations were confused and sometimes wrong..In this laughter, the media also fell into contradictions and problems in the content of its letters to address the effects of the pandemic on man, societies and economics together, until the entire issue became within a dark and ambiguous area, and all media theories that expressed the essence of the meaning and objectives of the media returned.Since the independent character of media science and its exit from the Channa of Sociology grew up, it faces a challenge of a new and different style, and many media outlets - and in particular satellite channels - have stood on two parallel lines, the first within the logic of intimidation of danger, spreading fear among recipients, or a tendency to doubtOr hide confidence in governmental procedures and the World Health Organization;The second went to consider the expected risks to be included in the context of the expected and controlled.Both directions exceeded the lines and data of previous theories about the role of the media and its moral and professional responsibility.

Therefore, when the penetration covered the length and display lines of the entire globe, the media - like social media - found an unparalleled chaos in the absence of the possibility of using the global balance of media theories of various schools in building a system that can be used from everyone to address the pandemic and explain the impact of its impact And ways to confront them, as well as consolidating the rules of engagement of the enemy of behavior and intentions, and many media outlets- in particular satellite channels- fell- in a period of convert to health and environment experts (or thus these satellite channels give them names such as the specialist or the expert) and their interpretations sometimes are not realistic, and sometimes contradictory , To touch the identity of this mysterious and micro -virus, which the microscopic image shows a similarity in the external form in a common style of these marine mines that were used during World War II, which the waves are picked up until you find a floating body that sticks to it and then explodes.

Third: Who will hang the bell?

So it is a battle that we found between scientific techniques, some of which are cyber, opposite an active organism, his identity and criminal record suggests a hostility towards man. ولم تكن هنالك عقبة قانونية أو أخلاقية تحول دون استخدام مختلف الأسلحة، الوقائية أو الهجومية من جانب البشرية لمواجهة هذا الغزو البيئي، ومن تلك الأسلحة الإعلام الذي وجد نفسه وسط لجة سياسية ومنها «نظريات المؤامرة»[7] من دون أن تكون له مرجعية نظرية يمكن أن يستدعي قناعاتها لتنظيم قدراته وتكريس قواعد الاشتباك المجربة للوقوف بوجه الجائحة، وهذه المرة لم يكن الفايروس الذي هاجم العالم بأسره ينتمي إلى تلك الفايروسات الحاسوبية المبرمجة والتي تملك أهدافًا محددة إما للتجسس أو للتعطيل أو التخريب، وإنما يستهدف مباشرة الإنسان وتدمير وجوده المادي.

جدل المشهد الإعلامي الراهن بين يقين نظرياته وكورونا المتوحشة (*) - CAUS - مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

وفي نهاية المطاف لم تكن المعركة تتميز بتكافؤ الأطراف، وإنما اصطفّ العالم وبكل ما يملكه من أسلحة وتقنيات وموارد مادية، ومن ضمنها المنشأة الطبية ومصانع الأدوية ومراكز البحوث الخاصة بالأدوية واللقاحات[8]، كل ذلك في مواجهة ذلك القاتل المتسلسل والمتحول والشديد الشراسة في الانتقال وضرب أهدافه داخل جسم الإنسان.The virus did not depend on the supposed front lines to confront, but rather the battle was taking place at the human level between prevention through its various details (hygiene, social spacing, immunity promotion), expansion of building hospitals, increasing the capacity of it and equipping it with the necessary supplies, in addition to the programmed race to produce the vaccine, test it and obtain leaveUsing it on humans.In addition to increasing societal awareness of accepting the vaccine and confidence in it regarding the upcoming danger and its devastating effects, and in this field the role of the media is reflected in various political, economic, social and cultural level.

The direct threat to the pandemic, which represented an accelerated phenomenon in the authority of the state and its relationship with individuals and societies, revealed the current gap between the meaning of the state and its role, and the significance of the citizen’s regularity and obedience to laws, and also revealed that solidarity within the sociological concept, and as expressed by the French sociologist Emil Durkheim (1917- 1858) He suffers from damage to the performance of vital functions necessary to ensure the unity of the state and society.Within this, the media was during the first stage of the spread of the pandemic globally in the maze of searching for the best options between responding to the opinions of "experts" in the field of viruses and public health, and the states grabbed the stick from the middle between imposing restrictions on societies and individuals, imposing spacing and controlling that, and between the pressures that standBehind economic entitlements in the first place in identification with the logic of (herd) for the facade of the spread of the pandemic and tolerate losses without sacrificing the economic aspect and its binding requirements.And between these options, the compass was lost, and in fact many media outlets fell in front of the difficult examination in determining the appropriate options at the human level..

In the outcome, most countries have tended towards an option, pre -prevention, and the logic of human reservation through the formula of spacing with all its data (wearing muzzle, household seizure, reducing movement to the lowest limit, and closing restaurants, cafes, public markets and fun places) and stopping education tasks in classes within educational institutions and moving to adopting the learning formulaAfter using the communication networks to ensure the continuation of the educational process and other procedures, which guarantee isolation to block the road in front of the conflict impulses.In the folds of these procedures, the media had to find its position and its role within the framework of the principle.And to provide an acceptable explanation for realizing the meaning of the intensity of the communication he seeks, and the need to spacing and reducing material communication in exchange for the intensity of electronic communication for its cultural and psychological importance, to compensate the person - the individual - and reduce his losses in his siege within the residence.

In spite of this, many communication scholars were aware of, and early in the last century, to a fundamental point that many sociologists did not show, which is that reaching within the contents of the media - communicative messages could have re -read these messages and their content or reveals their goals, And not only by analyzing the content of the "apparent" content, but rather by searching for the encounters of communication messages, and gathering evidence that the information loaded within the data (for example) is a living ammunition that can explode according to an intended agenda that seeks to dominate and intellectual and material control. وكل ذلك باختصار، يتضمن مقاربة مع مشهد سينمائي هوليودي، ومنه فيلم «المتسللون» الذي قدّم درسًا ميدانيًا لعملية معلوماتية – عسكرية تستهدف السيطرة على العدو من خلال فصل الرأس عن الجسد، أي السيطرة على مصدر القرار وبالتالي إسقاط القوات الميدانية في الفوضى وحتى الاشتباك فيما بينها وليس ضد العدو[9].

Fourth: Possible risks

وإذا كان تحدي التغيير المناخي يعد من أهم التحديات التي سيواجهها العالم في المستقبل، وبحسب ما حدده المنتدى الاقتصادي الدولي في دورته الأخيرة[10]، فإن ثمة قناعة أخرى تفضي إلى القول اليوم بأن جائحة كورونا ومسلسل تدحرجها التوالدي، يمكن أن يكون واحدًا من أكثر المخاطر التي تواجه الوجود البشري.However, the current challenge of the pandemic is the subject of "adaptation" with the possibilities of the development of the effects and results of the repercussions of the Korona pandemic on life in general, and work to review all "jurisprudence" to develop the scientific capabilities that the entire humanity possesses, including the efforts of developed countries and their scientific and medical research centers in particular, And mobilizing the joint work to build the supposed dam in front of the effects of the pandemic or its counterparts in the future, and among this is also a radical review of the theories and media quotations and the renewal of its frameworks in light of the experience of this "cosmic village" materially isolated and continuous through social media channels, which can lead to the establishment of a media curriculum My future to face existing and potential risks, dealing with the reality of preventive material spacing, and developing work prospects in material islands, but interacting with information and knowledge communication.

ومن المفارقة فإن جوهر العلاقات المتحققة في إطار هذا الموضوع كانت ضمن الأفكار والطروحات التي قدمها عالم النفس الأمريكي جيروم كيغان (Jerom Kagan)[11] في كتابه المعنوَن الثقافات الثلاث.In presenting the role of communication in enhancing the humanitarian capabilities to confront disasters, Kigan says: Since government organizations concerned with health affairs were today more connected than they are in 1918, the influenza epidemic that harvested thousands of Americans is unlikely to spread in 1918..

The numbers reveal shocking facts for the big gap of the financial allocations that monitor the military spending in the world, which amounted to 1822 billion dollars in 2018, and that the budgets of three major countries (for the form) at the level of arms in exchange for spending on the health sector in those countries reveal a major paradox.According to the Sberry report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the United States of America spent in 2019 $ 649 billion, and France 63.5 billion and Britain 50 billion, while the exchange of the health sector has not reached, according to the reports of the World Health Organization in those countries and in the same year: America 9892, France 4600, and Britain 4192 million dollars.

To this day, there is no international organization in the world concerned with the issue of financial spending on the media sector, whether governmental or the private sector, in order to make a comparison or approach to what the global economy can contribute to assigning the efforts made by the media to achieve its goals within the framework of its social responsibility compared to whatDisbron on arms.There is no doubt that the repercussions of the Korona pandemic may be alerted to humanity once again that the media is also a need and a necessity, it must have a share of financial support to advance its duties within the framework of its moral and human responsibilities towards humanity in such disasters and challenges.

It seems that Kegan's confidence in the media was not at the level of his expectations for the future.Even for fairness, we say that the path and path of the Korona pandemic was a great challenge to all the statements and media theories that preached the meaning of the intensity of human communication achieved by the distinction of the rapid communication techniques of reproduction and diversity, which surrounds the human being and gradually makes it the captive of the temptations that it offers mostly, in order to join the herdThin communication.

There is no doubt that the jurisprudence of biologists who have not yet reached a totalitarian theory is able to explain all the phenomena of life and its various transformations, makes us seek an excuse for communication scientists, jurisprudence and media theories in formulating content capable of absorbing the meaning and purpose of media activity at the human level in the face of such disasters.Here it must be recognized that the age of intellectual activity to build media theories and test them may be shorter than all other humanities, and that media science still lives in one way or another in the cocoon of human sociology, and its various and comprehensive theories.

Likewise, the human sense towards the dangers facing humanity, the methods of resistance and ensuring survival, is not a heresy or contrast in the moral or philosophical side, because it is simply a natural tendency inherited by all living organisms, including the most aware creature and the ability to adapt and protect itself from extinction, which is man.This matter can explain the confusion and confusion that students of that classroom from media students and their jurisprudence in their acceptance or hesitation to the saying of the "cosmic village" and identification with its tempting results - theoretically - or the release of fears of human being in a communication environment, and perhaps one political and social and what leads to thatTo empower power - any authority that was - to control, whether by monitoring or influencing ideas and behavior.

Perhaps after all the rift of the Korona's pandemic in confidence in the media theories, including what it agreed to call it to indicate the intention and the results of the intensity of communication in the cosmic village.However, there are perceptions that were nominated for the experience of human practice in his residence, and acceptance of the need to spacing and practicing health protection traditions in various formulas, including continuing to wear a muzzle.In the forefront of these experiments, the media and mobile communication potentials on the back of accelerating technologies were also a factor in restoring man with his balance, and in particular when he faced an enemy, it is difficult to stop his destructive impulses except through firm measures, some of which are directly from human freedom to move, communicate or achieveThe material integration is within the herd of his gender, which achieves a sense of security and behavioral adaptation with his environment.

Perhaps after removing the current threat to the human race, the success of vaccination campaigns for every citizen in this planet, and to be calculated to face any possibilities for the return of this epidemic in the form in which he rushed during the last year (2020), there are legitimate doors to rebuild convictions about the role of the media in the face of potential disasters, no matterIts type and source.And the media, with its current theories, is undoubtedly an intellectual and material result of rolling the disasters of the wars that humanity witnessed from the first and second world wars to this day, in addition to the technical development and entry into the era of information.All of this may open the way for building new certainty that converge the theories in a media path that adheres to human values and defends its existence in the face of all types of disasters, whether coming from the environment or from brutality and aggression in human behavior.

Finally, our understanding of the professional standards for the performance of the media remains the guarantee, whether by working according to the perspective of theories that express in essence the effective context of this aspect of human activity, or to give the values of equality, freedom and justice, and avoid spreading racism, intolerance and violence practices.All of this, and within it, dealing with scientific or social developments in the face of epidemics, including the Corona epidemic and his family series, all of this reminds us in the end that the media can be a positive element within the borders of that cosmic village to alleviate the suffering of man and enable him to face the negative effects left by environmental disasters.in his life.And isolation, as it is communication, if it constitutes an environment that is suitable for adaptation and stimulating the energy of confrontation, and then crossing towards the safety of safety can be a factor in man's victory over the challenges that besieged him.

All of this scene, with all its types and signs, and the comprehensive battle continues against the epidemic at various levels, including the media-perhaps the lesson and meanings that the content and the purpose of the poem of the British poet John Don (1572-1631) may be summarized when he says:

Nothing in the new philosophy is a certainty

Everything is divided and divided and all that is logical

Wind drawings went

The prince, the servant, the father and the son are a class and passed

Every individual has become himself

He has the knowledge and strength of the first and others

يظن أنه صار عنقاء جديدة[12].

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