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Study: 70 percent of porn materials are consumed during working hours!

The porn industry moves quickly towards the world and is interested in millions of people, and it is consumed at every moment and worse, it is consumed by young people.

In fact, it is not possible to stop talking about such sensitive topics, which violate the life of human and the child evenly.

According to a report published by “Lamenteesmaravillosa”, watching these types of materials completely adjusts the sexual behavior of the young, to the extent that he can distort the image of women, and turn them into a mere object object.

Also read: Did you know that excessive work gradually kills and causes you chronic diseases?

Likewise, we cannot ignore the addiction caused by the consumption of pornography on the Internet- according to the site- as well as an increase in sexual violence.Somehow, all of these are data that we know in one way or another that we have read about the news headlines on more than one occasion.

However, there is another important topic that must be taken, which is that 70 percent of porn materials are consumed during working hours.

Porn materials at work

If we imagine that this practice occurred at home or late at night, we are wrong, because the work world is also not strange to this issue and it is important to go into this issue to find norms and officials radical solutions to stop these practices and abuses immediately.

دراسة: 70 بالمئة من المواد الإباحية تُستهلك أثناء ساعات العمل !

Many pornography are consumed between 9 and 17:00 pm.

In this regard, the University of Brigham Young published a very important research on this topic just a few months ago.

The aim of the study was the effect that the consumption of pornographic materials can cause on work environments.

To do this, the researchers used data from the previous surveys, in which the following data was deduced:

العلاقة بين مشاهدة Porn materials at work والسلوك غير الأخلاقي

What are the effects that the company's accustomed to seeing the pages of sexual content in their working hours?

In fact, the authors of this research, David Aud Wood, Nathan W. Metmham, and Melissa Flauel-Estren, were the actions of movies pornography and found that:

How do you behave before this practice?

We know that a large portion of pornography is consumed during working hours.This should be taken into account at the social level and also at the organizational level in any company or work environment. إذا كان لدينا جزء من موظفينا يشاهد المواد الإباحية على الإنترنت، فمن المحتمل جدًا أن ينتهي سلُوكهم بالتغير، حيث سينخفض ​​أداؤهم وسيصبح تعاملهم مع الآخرين عنيف وشرس بشكل متزايد.

What can we do if a lot of pornography is consumed during working hours?

In the face of these growing facts, it is necessary to take these measures.These may be some useful procedures:

In conclusion, while it is very difficult to organize pornography, we should start by setting borders in our direct life fields.Similar to setting borders in our homes and with our children, and also in our jobs.

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