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Steps to stop tracking applications in your place

Browseing the Internet and downloading applications on devices and giving them permission to access data is a routine matter, but that does not reduce the seriousness of the matter, as Fox News stated in an article published recently that most of the applications on your phone can determine your place at any time, knowing that someApplications need to know your place to work properly, but most applications that do not need this require access to your site when installing them, but you can stop this by following simple steps.

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As for the iOS system, go to "Setting", then "Privacy" and choose "site services" and cancel the activation of the first option to prevent all applications from tracking your site, or you can choose a specific application and prevent it from tracking your site.

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If you are an Android user, search in the "Setting" menu for "the site" and then choose "application permissions" to show you the applications that can access your site at any time, where the settings can be changed for each application.You can also go to "Applications" and then click on the three points above the screen and choose "application permissions" and then "the site", where you can stop tracking the site in the applications you want.Knowing that the previous steps will not prevent companies from following your phone's activities, that is, you will continue to see the customized ads, but you can adjust this in the iOS system while going to "setting" then "privacy" and then "Apple ads" and stopping "customized ads".As for Android devices, go to the "settings", then (Google), then "ads" and choose "Stop customization of ads".But there are some disadvantages to prevent all applications from locating due to the need for some important applications such as (Maps Google) and (Uber) to accurately locate your location.So you can modify the settings to allow these applications to locate when they are used.

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