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"Starlink" networks are not safe to use in Ukraine

Illon Musk, CEO of Spice X, warned Starlink users in Ukraine of a high probability of targeting service, as it is the only non -Russian communication system working in some parts of the country.In a tweet on "Twitter", the mask of the people advised to use "Starlink" with caution by running it only when necessary and put it away from the whereabouts of other people as possible as possible..He also asked users to place a light camouflage over the antenna to avoid visually detection.

According to Reuters, Musk's warning came after John Scott Rilton, a prominent researcher in the Citizen Lab project at the University of Toronto, published a lengthy tweet on Twitter in which he explained that Russia could use the "Starlink" in Ukraine as beaconsTo determine the targets of the air strikes.He also explained Russia's extensive experience when it comes to targeting people while using the satellite phones and other types of satellite technologies.


Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Internet connection has become interrupted.Severe battles and explosions in major cities such as Kyiv disrupting the "Gigatrans" operations, providing the country's main internet, which also provides connection to other networks.At a request from Michello Federov, who is the Minister of Digital Transformation in Ukraine, Spice AX has activated the "Starlink" internet service, BroadBand.It also managed to send terminal stations to the state urgently, and only two days after activating the service arrived.

Days after receiving the "Spice X" shipment, Fedorov published a tweet that included a picture of the "Starlink" dish installed on the roof of a house and restricted use.He also requested ideas on how to keep the antenna in the midst of the ongoing Russian attacks.Musk replied that "Spice X" updates the station program to reduce the peak energy consumption, and therefore it can be operated from the carpet of cigarette in the car.He also said that the company allowed the use of a mobile phone service so that the Starlink antenna could maintain its signal even if it is installed on a moving vehicle.

A consultant in the field of satellite communications told Reuters that the "Starlink" terminal stations were not designed to use them during the movement, so it is not quite clear what Musk meant it.One of the California users installed the "Starlink" antenna on his car cover to connect to the Internet, and a violation report was organized against him because he was doing so by the California Highway patrol..

It should be noted that Spice X has always been planned to connect the moving vehicles to the Starlink network, and in this context she tested an updated and more solid version of the service dish designated for ships, planes and largest wild compounds such as RVS last year.


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