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Payment via smartphone .. fundamental reasons that make it safer

The Corona crisis contributed to a big jump in the electronic payment sector, and smartphones were very important in light of the increasing direction.

Recent data indicates an increase in people's dependence on electronic payments and non -inter -payment processes, as they abandoned cash transactions in light of the outbreak of the Corona virus crisis.

Kevin Halk, a banking and financial business expert at the German Association of Communications and Information Technology Bitkom, said: "The Korona's pandemic helped dominate the trend towards non -cash payments and non -inflammatory payments, in addition to increasing the demand for payment via a smartphone.".

And if the user wants to use his smartphone as an electronic portfolio, then one of the applications must be used, and despite the diversity of the choice package in front of the user, it is somewhat confusing, and there are some banks that provide their own electronic payment systems..

Apple Pay and Google Pay

بالإضافة إلى قيام العديد من شركات التكنولوجيا العملاقة بتوفير التطبيقات الخاصة بها مثل Apple Pay and Google Pay، والشركات المنتجة للهواتف الذكية مثل سامسونج وهواوي، علاوة على قيام بعض المتاجر الكبرى بإتاحة تطبيقات خاصة بها توفر للعملاء إمكانية الدفع عن طريق الهاتف الذكي.

All of these systems share the user's intolerance to any additional costs, and customers usually store debit card or credit card in the electronic payment application, and in the event that such cards are not available, the user needs a company that accepts the PayPal service..

NFC technology

For his part, Marcus Montz, an expert on the German specialized "C’T" magazine, said: "The nearby field communications technology NFC is the most common and widespread in European countries.".

الدفع عبر الهاتف الذكي.. أسباب جوهرية تجعله Safer

Montz explained that it is a wireless segment on the smartphone that sends data to a device in the store during the payment process, and this wireless segment is not limited to smartphones, but it is found in GIRO cards or credit cards, which allows the user to conduct the inflammatory payments, and canThe user has to know if the store supports the use of this technology through signs of the wireless wave icon.

Some applications depend on the QR or barcode response codes instead of the NFC technology.Marcus Montz said: "When the payment operations are made, the application creates one of the codes on the smartphone, which is wiped in light after that by the reader in the treasury.".


Most people, who have not used a smartphone in electronic payments before, have expressed some security concerns, but the German expert Kevin Halak confirmed that electronic payments by smartphone have become safer than traditional cards;Since the cards numbers are not stored on the device.

And if the smartphone lock is canceled with the fingerprint or face recognition function, the stored card is clearly dedicated to this user, and the German expert added: "With NFC systems, the chip does not transfer the stored card data, but it instead transmits the transaction code orWhat is known as the Tokin, which can only be used with this process of purchase..

In addition to the fact that the rapid response codes QR or the barcode can only be used once, and strangers cannot extrapolate the NFC chip in the smartphone;Since when the screen is closed, the slide is also closed most often.

It is also important that the seller knows only the transaction number for the payment process, however, how to deal with other data is related to the company provided to apply electronic payments, and Kevin Halal added: “As for the solutions of electronic payments for large supermarket chains, customers are given information about their behaviorsPurpreitious for the company provided for the application for obtaining discounts or taking advantage of promotional offers.

This was confirmed by a study conducted by the Commodity and Products Testing Authority in the German capital Berlin, and it examined electronic payments applications via the smartphone during the year 2019, and it became clear that these applications collect customer cards and reward programs and know customer behavior in terms of varieties, which are purchased, purchase places and timing of shopping operations.

On the other hand, Apple does not collect such information, and Marcus Montz added: "The company contributes to the fees, which the merchant pays for companies provided for electronic payments services, similar to the Samsung Pay service, where such companies do not need data for their business model, onThe opposite of Google, which collects some of this information, such as the user website..

Device type

The selection of the company provided for electronic payments services is linked to the type of device;Where international companies install the electronic payment application in advance on their smartphones, and the owners of Apple iPhone phones are not a great opportunity to choose electronic payment applications;Where the iPhone is limited to the use of Apple Pay, the American company does not allow the use of other NFC applications, and almost all large banks cooperate with Apple currently.

Apple iPhone owners can install customer cards from supermarkets and systems, which include QR or barcode..

As for the owners of smartphones equipped with the Google Android system, they have the opportunity to choose between payments applications from companies producing smartphones or bank applications, which are dealt with, Pay service and customer cards.


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