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Reduces the number of blinking .. a doctor reveals the damage of the mobile on the eyesight

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يقلل عدد الرمشات.. طبيبة تكشف أضرار الموبايل على البصر

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It has become indispensable for the daily use of the mobile phone, but we have to know its damages to avoid it.Dr. Natalia Bosha, an ophthalmologist, explains that the use of a smartphone usually reduces the number of eyelashs, which leads to an increase in the evaporation of the tear membrane and the specialist indicates, in an interview with the Russian "Prime" news agency, until this membrane evaporates, makes the eye an easy target for a differentTypes of microscopic neighborhoods, which cause inflammation.It also does not rule out the occurrence of vision problems.She says, "In addition to this, it has been proven that the focus for a long time on something near causes the development of myopia in children, and in adults it causes lack of clarity of vision when looking at something far, that is, it prevents eye adaptation quickly..It may be accompanied by low performance, headache and dizziness, "according to Russia today.And she adds, often the use of the smartphone causes tension of the neck muscles and neck area, and blood supply disorder, and the visual center suffers from that as well..This can lead to severe narrowing of the field of vision and even its disappearance for some time.The specialist believes that the most vulnerable category in this field is children under nine years old.Therefore, parents recommend not to allow them to use a smartphone.As for adults, they must from time to time lift their eyesight from the phone screen and look at far points.It is important that the distance between the eye and the smartphone be 40-45 cm, especially for children and adolescents.

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