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Visual communications ... advanced techniques to meet future requirements

With the start of many countries of the world in the application of the fifth generation technologies for mobile communications, experts expect that billions of consumer devices will be connected to the network, which will change the way the telecommunications companies are transferring data to subscribers.Experts believe that the quantities of huge data that will be generated and analyzed within the scope of the Internet of Things applications and artificial intelligence can constitute a burden on networks, to the point that it makes it unable to meet the ambitious and increasing requirements of customers in obtaining wide ranges and super speeds.

Studies also indicate that the number of devices that will connect to the Internet will reach more than 34 billion devices connected to the network in 2025, while the rate of world population will reach about 8.18 billion people, that is, we will be about 4 or 5 devices for each person. These devices range from mobile devices, home electronic devices, sensors, cars, and others. Which means that we will need huge transportation rates, and unprecedentedly, which requires the rehabilitation of communications networks and their equipment with the equipment needed to deal with the new reality. The data is flowing without limits, in addition to generating new quantities of data, means that the current 4 -generation networks, and perhaps the fifth generation networks as well, must prepare to meet these requirements.

With the high expectations and requirements, the dependence on the optical Network-Otn networks is increasing due to the great jump achieved by this technology that provides promising solutions for the future, concentrated in being an open platform that can be evolvable and programmed flexibly in a way that qualifies it to occupy an advanced position between various other communication technologies.

The optical network (OTN) is a large complex for servers (maid computers) distributed in different places and connected by optical fiber cables or through visual vessels to transfer data across the various components of the network.The devices used to transmit data are called retinal equipment.

وتعتمد قدرة الشبكة أساسا على نوع الإشارات المستخدمة فى نقاط الإرسال والاستقبال. ففى السابق كان يتم استعمال طول موجى واحد لنقل البيانات ضوئيا، مما يحد من عرض النطاق الترددى لتردد الإرسال والاستقبال للأجهزة على طرفى قناة الإتصال. ولكن مع تطبيق تقنية مضاعفة تقسيم الطول الموجى (WDM) ارتفع عرض النطاق الترددى للشبكة البصرية إلى حوالى 100 جيجا فى الثانية، وتمكنت الكثير من الشركات مثل: Verizon و AT&T من تحقيق هذه المعدلات فى شبكاتها.


In addition to capacity and speed, visual networks are characterized by:

1- Lack of cost: This technology can serve several clients through one channel, unlike previous technologies while maintaining the specific requirements of each customer, which reduces the total cost of data transfer, and ensures maximum efficiency in using the available frequencies.

2 - High speeds: The new technology provides unprecedented speeds in antique technologies, as these networks are mainly designed to provide high packages of data transfer of data at speeds of between 100 GB to 400 GB per second, and may reach "Terra" in the second. 3 -Accreditation: With visual networks, operators can ensure broad ranges, which means ensuring the efficiency of the performance that each customer will get.

4 - Virtual networks: The new visual networks have the advantage of the ability to divide the network into several virtual visual networks, especially Optical Virtual Private Networks, which means the possibility of providing an independent part of the network resources for each customer.The possibility of adopting future technologies as required by the network needs.

6 - Safe Design: Visual networks ensure that there are links for data transfer channels.The division of the movement on the circles allocated to it at a high level of privacy and security ensures that the infiltrators who may try to infiltrate into a part of the network to intercept data or obtain powers to reach other areas of the network, and threaten them.For several levels to control performance in dynamic with the speed of response to the requirements of applications at the real time, providing the opportunity to provide new services.

الاتصالات البصرية

Increasing aspirations

For individuals, it is expected that the demand for broadband services will increase for several reasons, among them, increasing the demand for cloud storage for personal information, high demand for online games, online shopping, staying in constant contact with the media, social communication, and chat services through video. All of these applications require telecommunications service providers to provide more capabilities and speeds on their networks. Service providers will also face a large request from their businessmen and institutions. This demand will be driven by increasing e -commerce, banking services, internet sites, e -government services, government facilities networks, industrial automation, and other services that need increased speeds.

الاتصالات البصرية.. تقنيات متقدمة لتلبية متطلبات المستقبل

Cable interruption

Also, it will not be acceptable in any way, to hear again about any risks that we can be exposed to due to false reasons, such as interruptions of Internet cables, and the world will not be ready to face disasters of this type, similar to what happened before 2008 and 2009 from Slowness and interruption of network services in the Middle East and India, and what happened in January 2010 of the interruptions of the Internet services from the Arab Gulf countries and North Africa, where Egypt was affected at the time of 70% of the network capabilities, and India by 60%, in addition to the problems that Qatar faced , Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the Emirates, and several other countries. These errors have cost the economies of states billions of dollars, and led to lack of confidence between consumers and producers due to the slowdown in the reform process. Therefore, communications operators and communications networks, and other network service providers will have to avoid these problems and errors permanently, and even support the increasing demand by raising their networks, and working to provide services of new added value.

ZTE and a strong batch

Visual networks received several strong batches from the top international players in the field of networks. In February 2016, during the activities of the World Communications Conference in Barcelona, Spain, ZTE announced for the first time the provision of new products products that support visual networks.

Cisco on the line

In March 2016, Cisco revealed its innovation of a set of services that can be provided within the framework of visual networks, to address the challenges faced by service providers, which is to transfer large quantities of data via technology: "The multitable time-division multiplexing" and included thatProducts are new ways to collect optical fiber cables, and products to support optical fiber connectors.

Optical fiber

ويعتمد نظام Optical fiber على نقل تضمين البيانات عبر أشعة الضوء التى يتم نقلها عبر كابل الألياف البصرية، بهدف تسليم البيانات بمعدلات أسرع. وأوضحت سيسكو، أنها وضعت بعين الاعتبار بعض العوامل التى تتلاءم مع الشبكات الجديدة، مثل کمیات البیانات المراد إرسالھا، وطرق تجميع الکابلات الحالیة المستخدمة، ونوعية الموصلات المستخدمة فى الشبكات، وغيرها من مكونات الشبكة.

Huge savings

The traditional networks that adopted the techniques of the "simultaneous digital hierarchy" and "simultaneous lighting" have provided highly appropriate solutions, but they have become unable to meet the unconditional demand for broad ranges by increasing numbers of applications. The technology of "multiple transmission by dividing the wavelength" came as a successful response to the scope demand challenges, and the requirements of applications based on data transfer packages. It also provided the necessary technologies necessary to divide the frequency range into multiple waves on the same fiber, which means that they contributed to a tremendous decrease in the cost of the frequency range, and supported the possibility of carrying a variety of applications and services on the same network.


مع Advantages السابق ذكرها، بالنسبة للشبكة، فإن تفاؤلا شديدا تدعمه الدراسات والأبحاث بأن تشهد سوق شبكات الاتصالات البصرية معدل نمو سنوى مركب يصل إلى 19.3٪. ومن المتوقع أن يصل حجم سوق الشبكات البصرية إلى 33.44 مليار دولار أمريكى بحلول عام 2025 بعد أن كانت 11.70 مليار دولار أمريكى فى عام 2016. وهناك تقديرات أشد تفاؤلا بأن ينمو سوق الشبكات البصرية العالمى ليصل إلى حوالى 34 مليار دولار أمريكى فى عام 2023. وتشير دراسة أخرى إلى توقعات بأن ينمو سوق الشبكات البصرية العالمى بمعدل سنوى مركب يبلغ 15٪ ليرتفع إلى 23 مليار دولار أمريكى فى العام القادم 2019وإلى 33 مليار دولار أمريكى بحلول عام 2025.

current situation

Currently, China is leading the entire global market with a market share of approximately 20 % because it has emerging economies, and has the highest annual growth rates, followed by the United States of America, then Europe, followed by the rest of the world. It is expected that the demand for these networks in the countries of North America and the European continent will rise due to the availability of huge demand rates for broad ranges. Europe is also expected to witness rapid growth in the coming period. Visual networks have the support of a significant group of major players in the field of networks, as there are network giants such as Cisco, Huawei, ZTE and Cattle-Louvie, Sienna, Fujitsu, and others, which suggests that new networks are not just a bleeding, or new struggle, but they came To stay, and to provide its services for many years in the future.

Growth factors


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