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Screen News - Palestine & World news - Palestine & World news How to remove scratches from the phone

Agencies - Screen News - Here are ways to remove scratches from your mobile phone and make it look new:

1- Toothpaste

Put a small amount of toothpaste on the screen, then move it in a circular motion with a piece of cotton, leave it for a few minutes, then wipe it with a damp towel, and you can use this soft toothpaste to remove dirt from your mobile phone

2- Car scratch removal products

Some products intended for removing scratches from cars can remove scratches from the phone, where you can put a small amount of the product on the screen and with a piece of cotton or a small cloth wipe the screen in a circular motion

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3- Chill paper

You can use small hail paper to remove the scratches, but it must be of the softest type, as you can press the screen gently in the place of the scratch, but if you are not careful in this way, you can increase the scratches on the screen.

4- Sodium bicarbonate or corn starch

Bicarbonate is very useful in many uses, including removing scratches from the screen, where you can mix a little of it with water until it becomes a thick paste. Put a piece of the dough on the screen and using a soft cloth, gently rub it on it in a circular motion, then wipe it with a damp cloth or towel .

4- Vegetable oils

Before use, you must cover all the openings of the phone from the front and back with a small piece of plastic. Put one drop of any vegetable oil on the scratch, and using the piece of cotton, move the oil in the form of a circular motion, then leave the phone to dry.

5- Polishers of all kinds

Use any kind of polish that may be useful, but Madam, you should avoid polishes for polishing metals because they cause reverse damage to the screen. Pour a little bit of polish into a bowl, and it is preferable to put the towel on the bottom to avoid leakage. Put a small piece of cloth in the polish and then rub it on the screen in a uniform way. Circular, then I remove the excess using a small dry cloth.


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