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It does not contain many applications, but it is safe.. Kaspersky offers a phone that cannot be hacked

Russian computer security company Kaspersky Lab will release a phone this fall that will be "impossible to hack", according to the company's founder and CEO Yevgeny Kaspersky.

In an interview with RIA Novosti, the Kaspersky businessman explained that his organization is currently experimenting with a secure mobile communication device, based on the Kaspersky OS operating system.

The device targets the industrial sector and companies, with a "secure mobile platform" based on the company's operating system, which provides enhanced protection against cyber-attacks.

Kaspersky said that this platform, which is intended for the industrial sector and for companies, will be launched for commercial use next fall, and added, "This is not a phone in the usual sense of the word, that is, it will not have music, any social networks or other fun additions."

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The Russian expert stressed that "the telephone at the present time is no longer a device for communication only, but rather a personal device that connects its owner to the world. It can be said that our device is more than just a means of communication, as it is a mobile secure platform based on an operating system, to be used in the industrial sector." and companies."

At the same time, it is possible through this device to make a phone call, and it includes the Internet, Messenger, e-mail and office tools, but all these services will be very limited so as not to violate the concept of security.

"I will not reveal exactly which buyers will receive our secure mobile devices this fall, I will only say that the list will include large and giant companies, because they need them in order for their employees to ensure safe access to infrastructure and confidential information," Kaspersky continued.

It is noteworthy that "Kaspersky Lab" is a company specializing in computer security, providing solutions and applications for anti-virus programs, headquartered in the Russian capital, Moscow, with regional offices in China, Japan, the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Korea, Poland, Romania and the Netherlands.

In an interview with Forbes last month, Kaspersky commented that the main feature of this new "smartphone" is not that it will be "practical or good", but that it is "impossible to hack". He also explained that the "software" will be fully developed by "Kaspersky Lab", and the "hardware" that are assembled in China, as for the price, he did not talk about specific numbers.

"Security is an invaluable advantage, your operating system has a new architecture, as its basic principle is security, not just safety from hacking, but immunity," he said in this context.

He likened the phone to a vaccine that provides immunity from the virus compared to a mask that provides safety, as the Russian billionaire said that his new phone's operating system provides immunity.


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