• English

IPhone 12 Pro specifications, features and disadvantages, as well as prices in detail

IPhone 12 Pro specifications is one of the most important thorny topics that occupy the minds of many customers who want to obtain a practical cell phone.Where Apple later announced the new version of the new iPhone phones.After the iPhone 11 cell phone was released, some customers complained about some simple defects that were the subject of modification in the new version of the iPhone 12 Pro Max.Where Apple always seeks to provide what is new to satisfy its customers, who always put their confidence in the iPhone cell phones due to the high levels of safety, capabilities and luxury in the devices.And during this article, all details of the specifications of the iPhone 12 Pro will be taken. What are the features and disadvantages in the details during this article.

IPhone 12 Pro specifications and what are the features

Apple has announced the new version of iPhone phones to reach the 12 Pro version of MAX, which carries many specifications and features:

مواصفات ايفون 12 برو Max والمميزات والعيوب وكذلك الأسعار بالتفاصيل

Disadvantages of the phone iPhone 12 Max Pro

Some defects on the new phone appeared in the following:

The prices of iPhone 12 Max Pro in Saudi Arabia

The iPhone 12 Pro mobile prices vary according to the interior memory capacity and color of the phone as follows:

Also, these prices are appreciated and the audit must be done when buying phones, and thus we have completed the explanation of the details of the specifications of the iPhone 12 Max Pro, as well as the features, disadvantages and some estimated prices available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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