• English

Indyx Company Stopped Export to Egypt for "Zara" and "Pershka"

يأتي وقف الشركة والتي تعد أحد أكبر متاجر التجزئة لبيع الملابس في العالم، والمالكة لعلامات زارا و Bershka و Pull & Bear و Massimo Dutti، ضمن قرار شمل أكثر كم 45 شركة أجنبية خلال شهر أغسطس الماضي ،ليصل بذلك قائمة الشركات الموقوفة لنحو 224 شركةفي مقابل 179 شركة بنهاية يوليو الماضي وذلكلعدم استيفائهم الأوراق الرسمية المطلوبة لتجديد التسجيل بالهيئة .

إقرأ أيضاً:

وقف شركة إنديتكس المالكة لعلامات «زارا» و«بيرشكا»عن التصدير لمصر

The reason for the exports was 124 companies until March 31 because of quality certificates.

The Ministry of Trade clarifies the truth of the European Union's appeal against the import registration requirements.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry Decree No. 43 of 2016 established a register of factories and companies with trademarks that are qualified to export products at the General Authority for Export and Import Control. The decree also stipulates that these incoming products may not be released for the purpose of trading unless they are produced by registered factories, imported from listed companies, or their registered distribution centers, for some of the goods specified by the Ministry of Trade and Industry in its decision.


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