• English

The inclusion of the needy "granting free lands" from the Saudi Royal Court on the link of my country's portal

Request for a free land grant from the Royal Court 1443 or the municipality to include the needy and the conditions and how to write a letter 'offer to obtain a free concession for the land' request for the grant request on the portal SSOAP.BALADY.GOV.SA of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Housing.gov.sa, especially for those who are entitled Those with low -income needs, and how to write a request for a free land from the Royal Court or the Ministry of Housing “Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing” and the conditions necessary for the entitlement of free land for the Kingdom’s citizens, and 'reporting' a list of the recent payments that were due and listed in '' A royal order issued by the Ministry of Municipal, Rural and Housing Affairs, and all matters mentioned above from issues 'wide segment of the Kingdom of the Kingdom who wish to obtain a free land grant, and their financial and economic conditions are unable to do so' to buy land in order to build a decent housing that provides them with a decent life.

A free land concession request is suggested to the Royal Court 1443 or through the Balady.gov.sa municipal portal


It should be noted that those who meet the conditions can obtain the grants of lands from the Royal Court as well as a free land from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. My gate publishes a list of the names of beneficiaries and beneficiaries every year. From the land privilege from the royal court, as well as the free concession of the lands that ''It distributes the Ministry of Housing, and applies to the qualified groups, and the municipal service portal will allow you to inform the data on the land privileges granted to citizens, whether they are granted under ownership decrees or otherwise, and monitor the distribution of these lands to citizens with limited income.

How to submit a form and application form 'Granting Earth from the Royal Court 1443 www.my.gov.sa


It should be noted that `` Royal Affairs and the Saudi Court are granted by submitting an application to the Royal Court through the platform link. The depression are those who cannot, and the land granted is used only to build a private residence for the qualified person to obtain 'grant', where the application form must be written to the Royal Court through the platform d 'unified national access, where the social and financial status of the applicant is clarified to obtain the land grant Free, attach documents for information purposes.

شمول المحتاجين “منح أراضي مجانية” من الديوان الملكي السعودي على رابط بوابة بلدي منصة نفاذ

A free land grant form from the Royal Court

Peace, mercy and blessings of God


I present to His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, a request to grant a land to establish a residence for me and my family in the city “———” because of my inability to do so. - In the future, my data and the attached documents are incorrect, I will restore the land that I was submitted, and I admit that I will be responsible for all the penalties in the event that the information and documents I sent to His Majesty are not correct.

How do you know more 'Granting the land to the Royal Court and' grant free land to the Ministry of Housing

The electronic portal service is my country for a free land grant, through which you can follow the case of the request that you evaluated by sending it to obtain free land grants from the royal court or the Saudi Ministry of Housing, during the following steps:

List of granting free lands from the Royal Court and the Ministry of Housing in favor of the 2020

A list of land grants was issued by the Saudi Royal Court and the Ministry of Municipal and Rural and Housing Affairs for those with low incomes. This list was published on May 2, 2021 and includes the distribution of 5013 citizens and citizenship for one year, and this number is 5296 free land in the form of 'land grants in many municipalitiesAs for the number of those who have the matter, the order from 'free land grants, the number of high concession applications implemented since the concession began' amounted to 802,472 land grants, and the following table shows the details of these grants.

الجانبتلبية طلبات المنح العاليةتم تنفيذ المنح العالية منذ بدء المنحامتيازات الأراضي التي لم تنفذ خلال’عامالطلبات التي تم تداولهاالأشخاص الذين تلقوا المراسيم الملكية للحصول على إعانات في’عام
أمانة العاصمة المقدسة7830682104078
بلدية’المدينة المنورة318534008
أمانة منطقة الرياض345391462231310189
أمانة جدة118156026515616109
بلدية محافظة’يكون36562469651417278
بلدية منطقة’عسير124135723172171237
بلدية منطقة’القصيم4472766213760446
أمانة منطقة جازان9868404183098
أمانة منطقة تبوك4431968200443
أمانة منطقة الحدود الشمالية975764109
أمانة منطقة نجران04879700
أمانة محافظة الطائف145183564514144
بلدية محافظة’الأحساء69370034650693
بلدية محافظة حفر الباطن02344300

How to contact the Royal Court for inquiries, complaints and pleadings

  1. بريد: “الهدى’ 7636- الرياض 12911- المملكة’العربية السعودية.”
  2. كإيميل رسمي: [email protected]
  3. الاتصال من المملكة 8004000000.
  4. مكالمة من’من خارج المملكة برقم 920030003.

Thus, we explained in detail the way to submit 'form and' form of requesting 'the land from the royal court www.my.gov.sa 1443 until a link to link the official royal court the unified national access to the area of the' application of 'Grant' free throughBaladi Gate platform to take full advantage of the lands granted by the Royal Court and the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. Housing.gov.sa, which offers many programs and initiatives.

Registration of a free land request from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

  1. لزيارة “رابط إلى موقع وزارة الشؤون البلدية والقروية.
  2. اختر “اتصال”.
  3. أنا’يمكن التسجيل عبر البوابة’دخول واحد.
  4. اختر هاتف iPhone “Free Land” الخاص به.
  5. أدخل بياناتك.
  6. قم بتحميل المستندات المطلوبة.
  7. احفظ الطلب.
  8. تتبع الطلب.

Conditions of obtaining and depositing a free land concession from the municipality 1443

If you have any questions about how to apply for free land from the Saudi Royal Court, or how to write a suggestion 'financial assistance to the needy or treatment at the expense of the Kingdom, you can contact us through the comments in this report, or L' one of the services provided by the Royal Court and the Kingdom of the KingdomAnd we will work hard to respond to any observations we respond.

حاسبة الحمل والولادة بالتواريخ الميلادية والهجرية


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