• English

I hold a doctorate in mathematics and I cannot divide a number of three numbers.

Clara remembers the moment she decided, not only, to become a university professor in mathematics, but also urged people to take care of science as well.

It was in 2011, when her younger son, Fenora, who was six years old, asked her about the symbol drawn on her shirt, "Is it a table or football?".In fact, neither of them was, but the Latin symbol (B) was.

Grama, after the end of the conversation with her son, concluded that "the end is the invention of mathematicians when they are unable to count and count.".

Daily mathematics starting from vaccines to Facebook

"The beautiful thing about mathematics is thinking, and doing something you don't know how to do," Grama told the BBC..

Since then, the Spanish university professor is not only written about her research, but also devoted herself to the books loved by young and old as well..

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And the most recent of what I wrote was the book "Can I keep mathematics with you!"(2018).

Her book shows a variety of daily situations, in which a part of mathematics can be found, starting with the vaccine to Facebook.

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-في كتابك الأخير، تقولين إن الرياضيات لعبة وأنه عليك فقط "تعلم قواعدهاولعبها". لماذا تعتقدين أن وجهة النظرهذهليست منتشرة على نطاق واسع؟

As much as it hurts, I must admit that mathematics still bears a bad reputation, which is not worth it.

I have been a researcher and university professor since 1995.I have been working to promote mathematics among children since 2011.

Thus, I met children at five or sixth of their ages. They told me that they do not like mathematics.I always asked them the same question: "How do you hate it without trying it?".

Then I realized that the children acquire mathematics before studying it, because this situation is spread everywhere around them.The boast of the inability to accommodate mathematics or work among celebrities has also spread on television and some YouTube stars, which has softened, slowly, from the attention and love of people for mathematics.

-ولكن هذا لا ينطبق عليك، لقد أحببتِ الرياضيات دائماً وتقولين إنها "صاغت" حياتك.

Yes, I loved mathematics since I was a child, for me it was a game, it was like a puzzle.

I completely remember the first time I managed to solve an equation of type (x + 2 = 4), and how my screaming row raised: "Wonderful! I discovered something!"

In childhood, I liked to be a philosopher because I was having to write.However, my teacher in philosophy specifically advised me to study mathematics for two reasons, namely that I was good in it, as well as the possibility of obtaining a job faster in the future.It was right.

The first lesson I learned in mathematics was humility;Mathematics dominated my pride and arrogance in the mud in a harsh way, because it became clear to me that I was not good as I had deluded, then I discovered the beauty of mathematics, and I learned to look at the world in a different way.

تخطى البودكاست وواصل القراءةالبودكاستمراهقتي (Morahakaty)

Teenage taps, from the presentation of a dignity as a vehicle and prepared by Mays Baqi.


Podcast End

-بصفتك باحثة تعملين فيمجالنظرية الرسوم البيانية، والتي تظهر في العديد من فصول كتابك.Can you explain this in a simple way?

The graph is a mathematical work consisting of two groups of elements: points (people or objects can represent), tapes or lines (which link these husbands from points).

We can give Facebook an example.Let us say that each user is a point, and if two users appear close to Facebook, there is a line that links them.

This may give us a form, called the graph.But in this case, it is a very large draft drawing, because Facebook includes more than two billion users.

But there are smaller graphs: during my talk, for example, each point is one of the attendees, and if two of them are friends, there is a line that links them.This gives you a picture of social relationships in this place.

-يمكنك استخدام نظرية الرسم البياني لشرح الأشياء، منمسلسل"لعبة العروش" إلى حملات التطعيم.إذا كانت هذه نظرية مفيدة، فلماذا لا تُدرَّس فيمرحلةالتعليم الأساسيعلى نطاق واسع؟

I got a certificate in mathematics without seeing a draft drawing.But when I started promoting mathematics, she started, quickly, to talk about charts.

I realized that it is a very useful tool, as it enables us to classify sports equations in a very effective way, and solve them without the boring accounts, which children are forced to do, always..

The basic rule in solving mathematical issues is the use of graphs, the use of instinct and logic, and not the ability to make boring and useless accounts.Frankly, the computer does this better.

As for me, the washing machine is washing better than I can, and the car is traveling at speeds that I will never achieve, and the calculator works faster than me in the account.I hold a doctorate in mathematics, and I cannot divide a number of three numbers or calculate the square root in my mind.

The beauty of mathematics lies in thinking, and doing something that machines cannot do.

- غالباً تشيرينإلى مفهوم"الأميّة الرياضية"، ماذا يعني ذلك وما الأخطار التي تنطوي عليها؟

Douglas Hofstadter formulated the term "sports illiteracy", and John Allen Paulus spread in his book "Sports illiteracy and its effects" (1988).

It is illiteracy of the basic principles of mathematics, and it involves several levels of risk, which includes not knowing how to calculate the percentage or understanding the graph.

For example: buying lottery tickets in Spain is very common in Christmas.There are people who lined up in queues to buy them from a specific place, thinking that the purchase from that place will make their luck to win more.This is a clear example of ignorance of what is going on.

In this case, you only waste your time.This does not affect your life directly.But it becomes more dangerous if you are deceived by a bank that promotes a display or a financial product, or when searching for a job.

ماذا عن "خداع الأغلبية"حسب وصفك؟كيف ساء الأمر أكثر مع نمو شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي؟

It is more complicated, and it happens when it is not statistically.This is what they call "bubble".

This happens when you are within a certain social group, real or hypothetical.

And what is happening, now, is that social networks have the ability to transmit fake news or serious rumors that are basis quickly.

The problem is that it is very difficult to get out of "sports illiteracy" and this affects us all.

Get out of your "information bubble" is a personal effort that we all have to do.On the other hand, we must be more determined to do so;It is very easy to say that the group that does not belong to it takes stupid decisions.But they may not see this because of their occurrence under the influence of illusion.Therefore, the best way to get someone out of his bubble is by providing him with data and sympathy for him.

-ما هو السؤال الرياضي الذي يطرحه عليك الأطفال أكثر؟

When I say I am a sports researcher, they tell me: "What can you discover? We know that 2+2 = 4.

Well, there are many things that can be discovered, because mathematics go beyond accounts.

In fact, we are still lacking to discover more. Every discovery opens before us other discoveries.

Beyond the door is a long, endless, endless corridor, full of the doors described, which must be opened because knowledge expands.

Does this mean that when discussing whether mathematics was discovered or invented, you support the first option?

There is a part of mathematics that is clearly the product of the abstract human mind, which was invented.

We choose some numbers, graphs and operations, which are the things that we will play with, and we invent the rules of play, which can be how to compose, double and divide them.There is a part of mathematics that we discover through meditation in nature.

The prevailing belief was that the only engineering that exists was the Euclidean engineering, that we all see, as it never met two parallel lines.

One of them, one day, thought of "the invention of engineering is not so, as the parallel lines in the end meet".

It seemed at that time just a purely mental work and compound mathematics.But then Albert Einstein came and explained "theory of time and space", so it became clear that the entire universe is evidence of the authenticity of the theory.It was hidden mathematics.

Did you not participate in discovering a new engineering form?

In 2018 I was one of a research collection that discovered an engineering design called "Scutoid", and had a strong effect.

It was a cooperation with cell science specialists..

When we started describing the geometric shape, we realized that it is not present.

I can create an engineering shape, but we did not invent that form, but rather, by checking the outer cells, it is repeated in each cell..

Often we invent mathematics, and we discover them at other times through meditation in the universe.

In this particular case, we reached this by looking at the salivary glands of the fruit fly.


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