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How to convert a balance from Poto to Sawa STC 1443

How to convert a balance from Mufut to Sawa STC 1443 is one of the things that Sawa provides to all users and customers within a wide range of important services through which the company provides all the user's needs at all levels, as Sawa is one of the important companies that have always been a pioneer in providing useful servicesFor all the beneficiaries in all cities and governorates of the Kingdom, and allows you to know those that include converting the balance from the future payment to Sawa 2022.

Information about Sawa STC

Sawa is one of the leading companies in its field of work, as this ancient institution provides a wide range of options, solutions and digital services in wide and multiple fields, the most important of which are communications and information technology, in addition to digital payment services that facilitate the user to access many things payments across the network, in addition toTo provide cyber security services and many other matters and specialties in a number of world -developed digital fields, is a company that aims to apply constantly, and bears a great deal of hope in development and innovation, in the hope of a civilized future for all beneficiaries of the company's services package in the countries in which it operates.The most prominent of which is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that all the services of Sawa are provided through its own SIM, which is the link between the company and the user, where the user segment reaches the company to benefit from the service package and offers announced on everything important.Events, international and local messages, and the customer can rely on using this segment to communicate with his friends or family members inside and outside the Kingdom if he is within the time period of the leave, or if they are among the people who perform Hajj or Umrah.

How to convert a balance from Poto to Sawa STC 1443

Poes can be transferred from balance to a mortal line to one of Sawa lines in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by following a number of the following electronic steps

How to convert a balance from Poto to Sawa STC 1443

How to convert Sawa's balance to Sawa using the STC app

Through the official STC application, Sawa clients can convert the balance through a series of sequential steps in the program that came in the following order

  • نقوم بتنفيذ إجراءات تسجيل حساب جديد من خلال التطبيق باستخدام رقم الهاتف المحمول.
  • إدخال الرصيد عبر تطبيق stc pay.
  • الضغط على خدمة (شحن رصيد سوا) من القائمة الرئيسية ..
  • نقوم بإدخال البيانات الشخصية المطلوبة في الحقول المطلوبة وهي كالتالي
  • انقر فوق علامة التبويب (الدفع) من محفظتي الإلكترونية.
  • Conditions for converting the balance from the deceased to Sawa 1443

    Sawa Communications Company indicated a number of conditions that all users must pass and fulfill in order to convert the balance from their lines to other sectors, as follows

    How to convert the balance from Sawa STC outside Saudi Arabia

    Sawa launched the international balance transfer service, so that the resident outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can convert a balance in Sawa to a person inside the Kingdom, through electronic steps, most notably

    How to convert the balance from Sawa Stc

    It is one of the distinguished services that all users can now convert the balance to one of Sawa countries abroad, and it is a service available to Sawa International customers, and comes within the steps

  • تحديد الدولة التي يرغب المشترك في تحويل الرصيد من خطه إليها.
  • حدد فئة الائتمان المطلوبة من قائمة الفئات المتاحة على الموقع.
  • اختر الاسم ورقم الهاتف المحمول لمستلم الائتمان.
  • حدد نعم لتأكيد تحويل الرصيد الدولي.
  • النقر فوق علامة التبويب (موافق) من خيارات الموقع المتاحة.
  • تلقي رسائل نصية تؤكد نجاح النقل.
  • Steps to create a Sawa Sim account on mobile phone

    To take advantage of the Service package provided by Sawa via my electronic STC application, the customers of that company must start creating an account through simple steps, as follows

  • اختيار (السماح) لتطبيق stc الخاص بي للوصول إلى موقع العميل عند الاستخدام فقط.
  • اضغط على خيار (سجل هنا) في خدمة stc الجديدة الخاصة بي، بعد إدخال بيانات التطبيق.
  • اكتب رقم الهوية الوطنية أو رقم الإقامة.
  • النقر على خيار “متابعة” من الخيارات الموجودة في القائمة.
  • اكتب رقم الجوال على شبكة الاتصالات السعودية.
  • اكتب عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الصحيح للعميل بشكل صحيح.
  • انقر فوق علامة التبويب (إنشاء حسابك) من خلال الخيارات الموضحة في الصفحة.
  • ملاحظة يجب استلام كلمة المرور الخاصة بالحساب عبر رسالة نصية من الشركة، ووضعها في المربع، وذلك لاستكمال إنشاء الحساب في التطبيق.
  • أدخل الخدمات وشاهد خيارات التطبيق.
  • Sawa STC 2022 balance codes

    Sawa provided an important number of codes that help the user in the process of charging and converting the balance, and other basic and important matters on a daily basis, and it came as follows

  • الرمز الثاني وهو الكود المخصص لشحن خط سوا من خط مفوتر من رقم آخر
  • الرمز الثالث وهو الرمز الذي يمكنك الإرسال من خلاله برجاء التواصل معي
  • الكود الرابع وهو الكود المخصص للتواصل والتواصل مع الشركة حيث يتم الاتصال بالرقم 1100 للتواصل مع خدمة عملاء شركة الاتصالات السعودية أو التواصل مع مندوب خدمة العملاء من خلال تطبيق mystc.
  • What are the important services provided by STC to its customers?

    Sawa offers a large range of important services to all customers and subscribers, but the most famous of these services are as follows

    The official website is not online STC.com

    You can communicate with the official website on the Internet, which is the site that contains a large number of services that Sawa provides to users, and customers can benefit from these services and respond to many inquiries after entering them.

    We recommend you here at the end of the article in which we dealt with the way the balance was transferred from the future payment to Sawa 1443 and we moved through lines and paragraphs so that the reader knows a bouquet of important services in the company after knowing the method of converting the balance of Sawa from inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



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