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How to open WhatsApp without internet 2022 and activating the new features and updates of the application

How to open and operate WhatsApp services without internet 2022 and activating the new features and updates of the application, WhatsApp recently activated the feature of using the application without the need to connect to the Internet, and the user can open WhatsApp without activating mobile data or connecting to the Wi -Fi network.This was applied to devices that support the systems of Android and iOS for iPhone users, and this feature is not the only one in the new WhatsApp update, which also included the ability to open an account in four different devices.Today we address all the features of the new WhatsApp update and how to activate the feature of using it without internet connection.

How to open WhatsApp without internet 2022

During the past few days, WhatsApp has activated the new update and applied its most important advantages, which is the possibility of using it without the Internet, this feature has been activated in all Android and iPhone operating devices as you can use this feature on computers, all you have to do is download the new WhatsApp update or activate the update featureSpontaneous.After updating the application and to be able to activate this feature, open WhatsApp and then press the three consecutive points above the left of the screen, to show you many options for creating groups or sending messages in addition to settings and associated devices.

How to open WhatsApp without internet 2022 وتفعيل المزايا والتحديثات الجديدة للتطبيق

In order to enjoy this feature, you should choose the associated devices from the options shown in front of you, as a message shows that you can now use WhatsApp without the Internet, then click on the green button update now.A message will show you that your phone will not need to connect to the Internet anymore to use the application, click on a follow to complete the steps and make sure to activate the feature, knowing that this update will close any WhatsApp account open on other devices.

The advantages of new WhatsApp updates

You can also apply several simple steps to take advantage of the feature of connecting devices, which is the second feature that includes the new update, open your computer and search for WhatsApp Web and choose the first result, until the QR Code icon appears on the computer.In the next step, open the WhatsApp Web menu and then click connecting a device, then a lens will appear through which the QR Code is photographed at WhatsApp Web.Finally, open your WhatsApp account on the computer to connect the two devices together immediately.

حاسبة الحمل والولادة بالتاريخ الميلادي والهجريشاركFacebookMessengerWhatsAppTwitterنسخ الرابط الوسومwhatsapp بدون اتصال بالانترنتتشغيل الواتس بدون انترنتخدمات واتساب ويبفتح واتساب بدون إنترنتمزايا تحديثات واتساب 2022


  1. يقولرشيد حسن صالح:

    Sweet and very wonderful

  2. يقولغير معروف:

    Thank you for this mighty step

  3. يقولصلاح الدين احمد:

    Beautiful application


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