• English

How to extract gold from the mobile phone

Date: 2019-03-14 time: 06:51 PM



Tell me - one of the scientists revealed a way in which gold can be extracted from mobile phones.

طريقة استخراج الذهب من الهاتف المحمول

The world placed the phone in Al -Khalal, and it was destroyed strongly until it turned into crumbs, according to what was published.

Scientists from the British University of Plammouth analyzed the components after their chem.

It also turns out that the mobile phone contains critical elements, including cobalt and molybdenum, and a percentage of gold.

The British newspaper report stated that to make one phone for workers to extract between 10 to 15 kilograms of raw metal.

This mining is done in some areas affected by the war in Africa.


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