• English

How do we protect adolescents from mobile toxins?

How do we protect teens from mobile phone toxins? The French newspaper Le Figaro asked this question in its issue of yesterday, Monday, shedding light in three articles by journalist Stephane Kovacs on the effects of using these phones on adolescents and children, and on experiences in limiting the use of smart phones in schools.

The newspaper provided readers with what it called good recipes from outside France and the keys to the rational use of smart phones, noting that starting from the next academic year, the French authorities will ban the use of mobile phones in schools and institutes, while the Ministry of Education is looking into this issue and methods of implementation.

The figures indicate that 47% of children under the age of three used interactive boards, while children at the age of 11 used their smartphone for the first time. Other figures for an investigation conducted in 2015 show that 93% of children between the ages of 12 and 17 have mobile phones.

But if the solution is found in school, what about the use of mobile phones at home, the newspaper wonders, explaining that psychiatrist Serge Tissiron answers parents' questions on this subject, proposing some solutions without demonizing the devices and blaming them. This includes rationalizing parents for their use of devices in front of children, and creating opportunities for speaking and exchanging opinions.

How do we protect teens from mobile phone toxins?

Successful experiences In another report on the same subject, the newspaper reported the experience of a successful English school through the interview of the assistant principal of the "Brighton" school in south London, Marshall Taylor.

Taylor said that they noticed the students' addiction to the use of smart phones, and to reduce that, they began to apply an experiment that was later expanded for its success, represented by separating the various smart devices, including phones, laptops, and tablets, and in the department modern technology is used to develop learning By giving students the best way to use the Internet while focusing on the joy of reading.

In the same context, but in another report, the newspaper highlighted effective experiences to reduce the use of smart phones in schools, by combating what it called children's addiction to smart phones.

Local institutions and authorities have taken measures ranging from limiting and completely banning laptops in schools, banning mobile phones during holidays, and confiscating phones at night.

In New York, for example, the ban on school phones lasted ten years. And in 2015, Mayor Bill de Blasio finally authorized it to "allow parents to stay in touch with their children."

In Germany, the state of Bavaria has strictly banned phones in educational institutions since 2006, and in return many teachers, parents, youth and even politicians are trying to mitigate this ban.


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