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How do we generate electricity from the heated heat?

Many devices, machines and electric engines, as well as car engines and means of transportation on various types of fuel, are released, large quantities of thermal energy that dispels and does not benefit from.This wasted energy is inherent to all types of engines and machines currently used, even those environmentally friendly, such as electric cars that turn part of the electric battery energy into heat during use, and this lost or wasted energy we also notice it in portable computers, tablets, etc..

The fact that the wasted energy has brought up the interest of many researchers interested in harvesting energy from all its available sources, so several new technologies and materials were developed to benefit from this heat and convert it into electrical energy..

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Many research today is focused on harvesting energy from sources that were not interested in the past.Energy generation techniques appeared from the heat of the human body, and another from the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalks, as well as from the movement of cars on highways.Several estimates indicated that a third of the energy used in the industry in the United States of America is lost in the form of heat, and a large part of it can be used.

Car heat

Car engines and various transportation engines operating on fossil fuels or biofuels produce large amounts of lost thermal energy.Research centers in the world have been interested in this wasted energy, including the energy center in the United States of America, which conducted research to convert this heat emitted from mechanisms and cars in the air surrounding the vehicle, into electrical energy that can be used to charge the hybrid car battery or to operate a large number of parts of the electric car.Which will reduce fuel consumption in the hybrid car, and reflect positively on the environment, by reducing harmful invasive emissions caused by fuel burning in the engines of those vehicles.

Researchers at the American MIT laboratories have made great efforts over several years, using nanotechnology to develop special devices to convert lost heat into electrical energy.(GMZ) has launched the first model of the electric heat generator, which converts the lost and dispensed heat from the motor engines and various mechanisms into electrical energy.Where this heat passes at the top of the device through semi -carrier materials (semiconductors) until you reach the cold part of the device, and by the difference in temperatures between the top and the bottom of the device, the electrons move inside the semi -carrier, which leads to a difference in the voltageIt generates an electric current.

This modern device has proven its good ability to generate electricity from lost thermal energy.It has been installed on the car exhaust tube due to its high heat, to take advantage of the combustion gases to generate electricity.

It is worth recalling that the highest mechanical return of an internal combustion engine ranges between 50 %and 60 %.And that the remaining percentage of the energy produced from the engine is lost in the form of heat and combustion gases that are puffed from the exhaust of these vehicles.If this lost energy is used and converted into electricity, the operational efficiency of those vehicles that consume huge amounts of fuel will rise..

سبائك النيتينول (Nitinol) التي تتكوَّن من النيكل والتيتانيوم، الذي يحوِّل حرارة المياه المهدرة إلى طاقة كهربائية

The alloys that are mentioned for the shape

These alloys were invented 60 years ago, which are metals and some non -challenges whose shape changes to pre -defined forms when exposed to certain temperatures, or exposed to pressure or electrical stimuli.It was used in the fields of aviation engineering, biomedics and other important areas.Recently, the researchers discovered the possibility to benefit from it to obtain electrical energy from hot water.On this basis, the company "Exergen" made an engine consisting of memorial wires capable of producing electrical energy from the hot water resulting from some industrial operations..

"Most industrial processes result in waste of huge amounts of energy in the form of heat, during the process of cooling machines or at power plants.These operations produce large quantities of hot water, sometimes it is used to operate secondary engines to produce electricity.As for the largest percentage of that hot water, it does not benefit from its thermal energy..

Here, the importance of the memory alloys technology, on which the new "Exergen" engine is dependent on the use of nitinol alloys that consist of nickel and titanium, which turns the heat of the wasted water into electrical energy.

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The researchers have shown that the molecular structure of the nitainol alloy shows that it is in the form of regular cubes, including 90 degrees, and when heating these molecules, they change their angles to become sharp or separate corners, and thus shrink and decrease their length, and when the material cools, the nitainol molecules regain their shapeThe previous angles become existing and return to their length before heating.

The principle of the work of the "Exergen" engine is based on the maximum benefit from the hot water resulting from the heat exchangers and others.As hot water rushes into the piston rooms where the wires of nitinol are in the heat, where they shrink and decrease in length in a little..Then the engine works to rotate cold water in the piston room, and the nitinol wire is stretched to its previous shape, so the piston that pushes a sticky liquid moves, moving through a hydraulic carrier is an electricity -generated carrier.Thus, the process of heating and cooling the Netinol wire is repeated to continue the generator by producing electrical energy.

جهاز خاص لتحويل The heat of the human body إلى طاقة كهربائية

It is noteworthy that the memorial engine of the shape was invented in the 1970s by Engineer Ridjawi Banks, who had a patent for him.But this engine was not proven in time.In 2010 AD, General Motors adopted the idea, in cooperation with the advanced energy research projects agency in the US Department.

The company "Exergen" retained the secret of making these alloys and Netenol wires, and used it in its new engine, which has become able to complete 10 million routes before it was destroyed..This was not possible previously, as memory alloys were exposed to rapid damage before the company developed its own company..Alan Haley, CEO of the company, says that field tests will be implemented on this engine to produce energy from the heat wasted to know its efficiency and effectiveness, and that 9 million dollars have been allocated to install experimental engines with a capacity of 10 kW in a number of biological gas factories in Dublin.

New electrocardiograms

The technology of thermal materials - these materials that are able to convert heat into electrical energy - face an essential obstacle represented in a decrease in its ability to produce the electrical current as a result of its contradiction with two contradictions: on the one hand, it must deliver electricity as much as possible;On the other hand, the heat must be transferred as minimal.This is a challenge, because electrical conductivity and heat delivery are usually closely related.

Scientists in the "Christian Doppler Laboratory", which was established in 2013 at the "Vienna University of Technology", announced the development of a new material that exceeds these obstacles, and can generate electrical energy twice the capacity of the materials currently used.

This substance, which is a thin layer of iron, vanadium, tingnestin and aluminum, is installed on a crystal of silicon, and it can generate an electrical effort when a difference in the temperature occurs between the two sides of this crystal..

The experiments conducted by the researchers indicated that this new material is very effective and is able to provide energy for sensors and small digital processors without the need to connect them to electrical current or traditional batteries.

On this article, the researcher Ernest Power of the aforementioned laboratory says: "This kind layer cannot generate large amounts of energy, but we look forward to using it to provide electrical energy for some small electronic applications.Currently, the global demand for small energy generators is able to operate and connect many devices together in what is known as the Internet of Things, so that these sensors and small applications can complete their work automatically and interact automatically and dynamically between them...If you need a large number of sensors in one of the factors, you will not be able to connect them all with energy sources in order to work, and it is smarter that these sensors can generate their power using a small thermal electrical device..

سبائك النيتينول (Nitinol) التي تتكوَّن من النيكل والتيتانيوم، الذي يحوِّل حرارة المياه المهدرة إلى طاقة كهربائية

The heat of the human body

The human body is an effective source of energy production and its harvesting of all kinds, as it is constantly generated and spread in the surrounding environment, whether during movement, stillness or sleep, and this energy can be motor or thermal..

Several mechanical energy harvest systems have been designed from the body's movement to be used to charge mobile phones, tablets and other equipment with a little energy consumption..

The idea of exploiting the human body is due to the production of energy to ancient times, when the water was raised from the wells, and the rocks are moved by rollers and ropes withdrawn by man.The idea then developed to the electric generators that are manually rotated to produce a small electric current that enlightens a small electric bulb, such as those generators that connect the bicycles, where the energy of the body is harvested to manage the wheel, without devoting the human effort himself specifically to generate energy.

Recently, researchers in the "Nano and Molecular Materials Research Center" in North -Carolina, American carbon pipe techniques, used the electric power generation from small electric generators built in clothes, turning body temperature into electricity resulting from the difference in temperatures between the body and its surroundings.

On the other hand, the researchers in the "Sandia National Laboratory", in America, were able to develop an infrared accurate device and turn it into electrical energy, so that it becomes an alternative future for powerful power plants used in space flights to distant places, which does notYou get enough sunlight needed to operate solar panels.The new electrocardiology got several patents, which is very small, and it was made of silicone, aluminum and silicon dioxide..

The thickness of this device is less than half of the thickness of a small metal currency, and works to capture infrared radiation, with a very accurate aluminum strips, and then transfer it to a thin layer of silicon dioxide where very fast electric vibrations are formed that cause the electrons rush between aluminum and silicon,Which leads to a constant electric current generation.The first models of it produced 8 nano waves of electrical energy, and the researchers seek to increase their production capacity by using two -dimensional strips to absorb infrared instead of the monochrome ribbons currently used, while making fundamental changes in arranging the internal layers in the device.

The aim of these technologies and materials is not to be a substitute for the energy sources currently known.Rather, providing alternatives to the production of energy to operate and ship some mobile smart devices, which are currently accompanying the human being, and some sensors scattered in certain places and are difficult to connect..The researchers also hope that this technology will be used in the near future to operate medical systems, especially cardiac control systems that must be replaced by batteries every several years..


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