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How do I know the mailbox, the postal code in Saudi Arabia and the difference between them?

Search operations for the answer to the question increased, how do I know the mailbox and the postal code?It is considered one of the most important postal messages in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to search for an email and postal symbol in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and through the following lines we show you all the details towards an answer, how do I know the mailbox and the postal code?

Saudi Post Fund

It is a box suspended in a wall near a house or an institution because its mission is to send and receive messages between people. This is the address dedicated to an entity or an individual. His address is in the postal center in the region. The owner of the fund can also send and receive messages in exchange for a sum of money and adhereThe subscription fees in the mail fund 100 Saudi riyals for each subscriber can also be added in the same fund by paying 30 riyals for each subscriber, for companies the subscription value is 1000 Saudi riyals for the main center and 300 Saudi riyals when joining any additional branch.

How do I know the mailbox and the postal code بالسعودية والفرق بينهما؟

How do I know the mailbox and the postal code

You can find the postal code and the postal code in several ways:

Knowing the mailbox number by the National Post Corporation

The National Post Corporation through its branches spread throughout the Kingdom.

Know the mailbox number by the unified call number

How to register in the Saudi national address

طريقة التحقق من صحة Saudi Post Fund

How to register in Saudi Post

Number of mailbox numbers

The Saudi postal code consists of 9 numbers, and each number symbolizes something whether the postal number "12 34-56 789" will appear as follows:

Types of mailboxes available in Saudi Post

The difference between the postal code and the mailbox

The postal code is a set of letters or numbers, or both determines each of them is a region or a neighborhood in the Kingdom, which is used in the local address of the Kingdom to exchange messages and parcels for the mailbox, as it is a dedicated mailbox located in a mail office in each area where the mail owner mail is mail.

How to change your postal box

  1. الطريقة الأولى: الدخول إلى موقع البريد السعودي والضغط على أدوات المساعدة ثم اختيار “تسجيل صندوق البريد” وإدخال البيانات المطلوبة، بعد ذلك سيتم فتح صندوق بريد جديد يمكنك من خلاله تغيير الصندوق القديم.
  2. الطريقة الثانية: التوجه إلى مكتب بريد في المملكة وتسليم المستندات والبيانات المطلوبة للموظف المسؤول.
  3. الطريقة الثالثة: اتصل على 920005700 ثم قدم جميع المعلومات.
takaful.jo رابط تسجيل دعم الخبز في الأردن 2022 عبر موقع تكافل من صندوق المعونة الوطنيةشاركFacebookMessengerWhatsAppTwitterنسخ الرابط الوسومأنواع صناديق البريدالتحقق من صحة صندوق البريدالتسجيل في العنوان الوطني السعوديThe difference between the postal code and the mailboxSaudi Post Fundطريقة تغيير الصندوق البريديNumber of mailbox numbersكيف اعرف صندوق البريدHow to register in Saudi Postمعرفة رقم صندوق البريد


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