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Find out how to register a Facebook account without a phone number

Users may encounter a problem when signing up for a new Facebook account on their smartphone, where you are required to enter your mobile phone number, which increases the possibility of your personal and banking information being compromised.

According to ItStillWorks, registering a Facebook account with a phone number has many risks, as someone can steal your phone number, as well as find your profile data, with your Facebook account, so the best way is to register a Facebook account without a phone number This is done through a number of the following steps:

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Register a Facebook account without a phone number on your smartphone

- Browse to “m.facebook.com” and click on “Create new account”

Enter your first and last name, date of birth, gender and password in the appropriate places, then enter your email address instead of your phone number in the “email or phone” field.

Click "Register" to create the account.

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Verify the email account you entered and click on the confirmation link to complete the account creation.

Register an account on Facebook without a phone number on your computer or laptop

Log in to Facebook.

- Enter your first and last name, email address, password, date of birth and gender.

Click "Register" to create the account.

Verify the email account you entered and click on the confirmation link to complete the account creation.

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Why should you register a Facebook account without a phone number?

Through this step, you will be able to control your privacy and protect your personal information not only on Facebook but on any other website.

Running these steps does not allow spam emails to reach you and protects you from encountering unknown numbers who text you for promotions and events.

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