• English

Are radiofrequency waves from cell phone towers slowly killing us?

This is a very important message addressed to the Chairman and members of the Health and Environment Committee in the Iraqi Parliament. I hope they will take a courageous decision about the information contained therein for the sake of the citizen's health and protection from the danger of mobile phone towers that fill the cities of Iraq.

Exposure to radiation emanating from a cellphone tower located 50 meters away is like being in a microwave oven for 24 hours, experts say, and carries the same cancer risk as if a person lived surrounded by lead and lead. d. T, chloroform, and gasoline exhaust.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (IARC) says that radiation from cellphones and towers is “carcinogenic to humans” and causes a type of brain cancer, and that towers are more dangerous than phones because they emit more intense radiation. over 24 hours a day.

Disordered sleep, headaches, dizziness, altered reactions, depression, fatigue, joint pain, heart disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, DNA damage and cancers are just some of the health risks of exposure to mobile phone tower radiation says Prof. Girish Kumar, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, who submitted a report on mobile phone tower radiation to the Ministry of Telecommunications, India, in December 2010.

Do horoscopes ruin our health, with or without using the phone? Yes, of course. After 20 minutes of using mobile phones, you feel a warm sensation near the ear, because the temperature of the earlobe increases by 1 degree Celsius. It is recommended to use the mobile phone for a maximum of 6 minutes during the day because the mobile phone transmits power of 1 to 2 watts, which is very high and very dangerous.

Are radiofrequency waves slowly killing us Cell phone towers?

In the US, users are told this, but in Iraq, of course, there are no such warnings because mobile phone companies are purely for profit and do not adopt the radiation standards set by the 1998 ICNIRP (International Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines.

Studies have shown that exposure to electromagnetic fields has a direct impact on health. A study conducted by the World Health Organization (Interphone) in 2000 over a period of 10 years in 13 countries showed that heavy mobile phone users (from one to two hours a day) are exposed to At risk of developing a glioma (a tumor in the brain or spine). This risk is 55% for those who use it over 10 years, and they found 5,117 cases of brain tumors in that study.

Numerous studies conducted in different countries – such as Germany, Austria, Brazil, etc. – have reported an increase in cancer cases in 5 to 10 years of mobile phone use, where the radiation level was more than 1 MW/m². Knowing that cancer was the last stage, and before that, people living near cell phone towers experienced sleep disturbances, headaches, memory loss, lack of concentration, fatigue, joint pain, vision distortion, miscarriage, heart problems, etc.

For those of you who don't know what electromagnetic radiation is, I would like to explain this to them: we are surrounded by different types of electromagnetic radiation every day: your eyes catch visible light, your bag is x-rayed at airport security, your food is heated with microwaves and lots of ultraviolet radiation It gives you sunburn. In essence, electromagnetic radiation is energy comprising an electric field and a magnetic field, which travel together, but perpendicularly, in waves. Sometimes these wavelengths are very short - a few nanometers for X-rays - while others are much longer - a few centimeters up to kilometres. These “long” wavelengths, called radio waves, are the electromagnetic radiation “of choice for cell phones and base stations,” but not in Iraq, as the health-hazardous “short” waves are used by mobile phone companies.

The average mobile phone has enough power to reach a tower up to 45 miles (72 kilometers) away. Depending on the mobile network technology, the maximum distance may be 22 miles (35 km) for some technologies because the signal takes too long for the highly accurate mobile protocol timing to work reliably. Mobile phone signals usually don't reach anywhere slightly beyond these extreme distances. The distance is further outside urban areas which means that mobile phone signals have to travel up to miles further.

From the above, it appears clearly the poor service of mobile phone networks in Iraq because of their use of backward technologies, so that many towers are erected close together in order to have sufficient energy to receive the signal from mobile phones in a shorter vicinity than those towers. This means that if the towers are placed reasonably far from the city center, the cell phones will not work at all because they will not be able to pick up the signals. The reason for this is that the cell phone companies in Iraq use short-range radio/electromagnetic waves (note the image below), which are cheap to produce, and from The type that causes severe harm to the health of the citizen (those waves are the same as those emitted from the sun's rays that are very dangerous to health - gamma rays).

* Professor and international expert in environmental health


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