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Arabs between privacy theft and cognitive loss! Keywords

Global technical development today has exceeded what we were used to seeing in fantasy films, James Bond, Star Wars, and the list goes on, but the Arabs are not part of this development, as they did not provide an influential scientific and knowledge production a century ago, according to successive human development reports. The past decade witnessed a great acceleration of the catastrophes of the Arab world and its alleged spring, up to our situation today. Therefore, as an Arab nation, we are no longer participating only in the consumption of knowledge, without a serious contribution to its manufacture. Faced with this situation, he who does not produce knowledge cannot control it or its outputs, and does not have the ability to control its products, leading to the loss of personal security, individual privacy and secrets His house, which has become illegal due to the random spread of technology, and people’s dependence on various platforms and applications, they do not know or may not care about knowing the determinants of their use. Therefore, in the world today, in front of the consumer audience, there is no absolute security of information, no matter how many and many alleged means of protection, including It includes those that pertain to: protecting information platforms from servers, equipment, networks and data, and therefore the saying: If the secret exceeds the two is lost, it has become today and in the era of technological acceleration in which we live, based on the fact that the news, if it reaches the Internet, is spread. The most secure method of data transmission and information exchange is based on returning to the roots, through oral transmission of information outside environments where there are devices that use various broadcasting technologies, such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, radio waves, facilitators (routers), and broadcast units known as access points and hotspots. Hotspot) and many other means of broadcasting, exchanging data of all kinds. However, the information environment today, and in the face of its greedy use, provides Arab security services that have become addicted to monitoring their citizens and opponents, the best platform for spying and penetration, obtaining information, monitoring and tracking, especially through mobile phones, SMS applications, Facebook, WhatsApp, direct voice communication, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Messenger, Instagram and others. Many, including all applications that we agree to download on our devices, without caring to read the limitations of their use.

On the other hand, despite the intense reliance of the world on technology in professional, educational and social communication in the time of Corona, the lack of this technology for one billion children around the world, according to the recent UNICEF report, has contributed to a great knowledge loss that will have repercussions on knowledge production and economies The world and its technological development, which will lead to a decline in technology production and development in part, despite what we witnessed from the launch of fifth generation technologies for communications, and the start of work on developing the sixth generation. This scientific and knowledge loss may be accompanied by a future decline in human development, the decline of economies, the birth of crises, the outbreak of wars, the spread of poverty and hunger, which will enhance the keenness of our Arab countries, and many other countries of the world, to tighten their security grip on their societies, and thus expand the circle of intrusion into personal privacy. robbery, violating secrets, and threatening personal security. Therefore, what is required globally is the speed of remedying this loss and saving humanity from the clutches of expected poverty and the catastrophic consequences that it will bear, which requires an integrated global effort to save what can be saved. My knowledge is sober and horrible in places of ignorance, backwardness and wars... God forbid! Palestinian writer [email protected]

العرب بين سرقة الخصوصية والفاقد المعرفي! كلمات مفتاحية


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