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Addiction to "social communication" kills family ties and destroys marital relations

Social media has tightened its grip on social ties, family relations, and public life, and addiction to these virtual platforms has become the shortest path to family disintegration, couples' divorce, and the decline of family warmth.

The family has formed, over the decades, a nursery for education, as a micro-society, and given the connection of this social structure to the lives of most individuals and previous generations; In addition to the basic function it performed in education, communication and the strengthening of the bonds of love, the family formed a unique piece of the enlightening mosaic of life, and its roles in the memory of generations were attached to religious occasions and other celebrations, and the meetings and meetings around the dining table and the exchange of visits between family and loved ones.

As for today, many people do not look with satisfaction at the reality of the Moroccan family, and the gap in communication between members of the same family within the same house has widened, and it is no longer hidden from one of the ills that afflicted this societal structure that has become transformed from bad to worse, and perhaps the most prominent The factors behind this transformation are related to the emergence of new communication media.

Social addiction kills family ties And Destroys Marital Relationships

Dr. Ahmed Dardari, a university professor at the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences, Abd al-Malik al-Saadi in Tetouan, believes that technological development has changed the cultural systems of societies and robbed individuals of many human and social values, and social networking sites have become alternative cultural and social spaces devoid of the familiar boundaries of religious culture. And the limits of social customs and traditions that were the safety valve for family ties, so the forbidden was replaced by the permissible, and individuals directed towards exaggerated freedom.

The university professor said, in a statement to the Hespress electronic newspaper, that “the dangerous thing is the easy access of adolescents to information that threatens generations, the lack of direct communication, divergent relationships, and virtual areas of influence, private ownership and personal information between members of the same family, widening the gap of divergence based on Personalization of virtual life.

The Moroccan academic explained that the emergence of these platforms contributed to the tyranny of bilateral relations at the expense of collective family relations, “and thus the role of parents died, and control over education and family supervision is no longer possible. ".

The same researcher stressed that addiction to these means to the point of obsession “has led to a crack in the potential of humanity, and this requires re-regulating the use of the Internet and access to social networking sites and controlling the threats to cultures, beliefs, and family and social ties.”

Professor Dardari added that the Internet ruined homes, contributed to the dissolution of families, destroyed the natural environment of man, and produced extraneous phenomena such as divorce, harassment, theft of information, defamation, and the publication of pornographic pictures and videos that affect and offend public decency.

The speaker emphasized that "the future of family relations in light of the misuse of the Internet is now threatened with extinction, and the virtual individual will replace the real family, and it will be a manifestation of decadent humanity that lacks values ​​and family and social cohesion."


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