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A visit to the "Steve Jobs" mausoleum

Five years ago, on October 5, 2011, the icon of Apple and one of the three founders «Steve Jobs» died..In fact, Festival Jobs is a very controversial figure, some see that he has changed the world by managing Apple, while others see him just another fraudulent.

In the series "Mister Robot" and when "Rami Malik" (Elliot in the series) tried to summarize his problem with the world while he was talking to his psychiatrist, he started his words:

On the fifth anniversary of Steve Jobs, I think it is time to see it as it is, as a person who failed sometimes and succeeded at other times, defended some values and did not stick to some other values, just a human being presented to the world a rich experience, and we must address it with study, criticism and analysis.In this report, we will try to tell some aspects that many have not talked about about his personality, to honor his memory with a very important honor, which is to look at him as a natural person like us again.

The director who seeks his personal glory

"Steve Jobs" with "Steve Waznak", at their beginning, signed the major electronic games company Atari to program the Brick Out game, the two parties agreed to share the amount equally, Steve Wezinak fully worked, was responsible for developing the game at the code levelAnd Hard Wear, while Jobs was only responsible for the deal contract, Jobs kept thousands of dollars for this deal and trustees of you and convinced him that his share was only three hundred dollars.

This story simply tells us about Steve Jobs's selfishness and how he did not mind exploiting his closest partners at the expense of his person.It is repeated on the history of Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs did not write a single software line during his date with Apple, the person who is credited with the iPhone and Mac industry did not do neither programming nor prepared any devices, he was appointed as a manager, taking advantage of those around him to come out betterWhat they have and the credit for itself in the end.

زيارة لضريح «ستيف جوبز»

Legend of marketing

When you try to buy a smartphone or a new personal computer, they are confused between Apple products and other companies ’products, you may be surprised by the high prices of Apple crazy, the same phone that carries the same capabilities and specifications of the iPhone, and perhaps better, may be at half the price only.When you ask about the reason, you will hear some unfounded myths about the preference of the iPhone;Like it is not disrupted, the fact is that all electronic devices are disrupted with use and time.

Why the Apple devices are the most expensive?;It is simply a marketing trick, this strategy is called "Cream Skimming", a strategy that means targeting the richest category in the market and not relying on selling many units, but selling a limited number of units with fictional profits in each unit;Therefore, Samsung is the best -selling phones in the world, but the profits of Sasonung are in no way comparable to Apple's profits..

Steve Jobs was a genius in marketing;For his company and himself.Jobs well understands that the best types of marketing is to create myths around the product, meaning that people transmit myths, perhaps baseless, about the product and talk about it;Therefore, Apple's philosophy in marketing its products was and still is always to prevent people and the market from knowing the source code, and surrounding all devices with mystery..When you buy the iPhone, you will notice that you cannot even see the battery place, as well as codes;And that is in a large part of it so that it does not prevent people from talking about the myths that this device holds.

From marketing to Apple to marketing for his person

Steve Jobs was able to use the same marketing tricks to highlight himself.You can notice the way he speaks in conferences, speaks abnormally, knows that this will be attached to the minds.Why does Steve Jobs always appear with the same black T -shirt?Because he does not care about his outward appearance and because he does not want to waste his time in choosing his clothes, and because he believes that the essence is more important than appearance;So it always wears a simple black t -shirt and is at all costly, right?But you are reviewing the manufacturer for that T -shirt. You will find that the price of this T -shirt is $ 157.The price of one T -shirt is approximately 1300 Egyptian pounds according to the official price of the dollar..

His dealings with employees

Steve Jobs was the testimony of everyone around him who did not really care about the happiness of his employees, you may be able to notice this in the design of the main Apple headquarters, as it is unlike Google and Facebook headquarters that are filled with employees' entertainment tools, Apple headquarters does not carry all these recreational tools.It is more evident with listening to accidents in which Steve Jobs pressed his employees to produce the best to the extent that some of them pushed to try to commit suicide.

At the first meeting between Steve Jobs and engineers responsible for developing the first version of the iPod, Steve Jobs was uncomfortable with the size of the device, telling the engineers that it was very large, and that they had to work to reduce its size.The Engineers team tried to argue that the device could not be smaller, so Jobs took the initial version of the iPod that spent this team for months of its life for its production and threw it in the aquarium that it owns in its office in front of the team's eyes, and he said to them: “Look, there are air bubbles that are drowned while drowningThe device, this means that there are empty spaces inside, work to remove them ».

Once again, Steve Jobs met with the team responsible for Mobile Me, which later turned into iCloud, and the meeting was short.Steve Jobs, the team leader, asked: What is the function of Mobil Mai?, The team leader explained the function of the program, and Jobs asked him in a very insulting tone: “Why, then, the hell does not do this, and then expelled the team leader himself.”.

You must now imagine that such behavior will give Jobs a bad reputation, but that's not true.Jobs as a marketing expert knows exactly what he can do to avoid it;"Create a legend".When the Jobs secretary was late for her work because of her car's failure, he gave her the key to the Jaguar and told her: "This is a new car, don't be late again.".Jobs knows that the world will love news about a billionaire that gave a car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars only for a secretary so that it does not delay again. The world transmitted the story madly and this orphan incident has become equivalent to all other incidents in which Jobs worked cruelly harshly;Therefore, if you search on any engines search for Steve Jobs's relationship with his employees, you will only find this story and you will find with great difficulty the rest of the stories.

A man who is not really concerned with presenting the best to the world

Steve Jobs always tells us about his overwhelming desire to change the world, but it is difficult for us to define anything he wants to change?.Jobs's philosophy with Apple relied on supplying the market with what he wanted, not what he needed..We simply listen to the market first and then implement what they want ».

In fact, this philosophy is frightening to the maximum degree, so if Apple can provide something really useful to humanity, it will not do, why?,Because the market does not want it and will not achieve profits behind it, do not believe my words?Listen to Steve Jobs himself saying that.


Steve Jobs was a truly obsessed billion.However, we will start doubting the Jobs lifestyle when we know that he could live more after diagnosing cancer;However, instead of accepting the surgical intervention to remove cancer, he started a diet based on fruits only, and began a diet of Chinese needles, and he thought that he could conquer cancer in these methods..You will also be amazed when you know that Jobs used to consult a fortune -teller in some matters, and that he rejected his liver transplant from Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, as they share the same rare blood type..Steve Jobs did not want to do this, and it preferred to die as a myth, and a contentious personality that we are still today five years after her departure..

  1. https://www.gameinformer.com/themes/blogs/generic/post.aspx?WeblogApp=features&y=2013&m=06&d=27&WeblogPostName=how-steve-wozniak-s-breakout-defined-apple-s-future&GroupKeys= 1
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
  5. http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/10/06/brand-behind-steve-jobs-iconic-turtleneck-sees-sales-boost/
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bpUooVS_eg
آخر تحديث: 04/10/2019أبلتقنيةستيف جوبز


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