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9 ways to strengthen the mobile network anywhere

9 ways to strengthen the mobile network..The lack or weakness of mobile network signals is very annoy

And that is in all communication networks in Egypt, especially in villages and remote areas.

Where weakening of the network often causes the call to interruption at the time of speaking.

The authorities are currently working on an attempt and put solutions to this problem that most citizens suffer from.

9 ways to strengthen the mobile network

In the context of the services provided to you by the "Eastern Today" website, we show you ways to strengthen the network and improve the reception of the mobile network signal easily.

1- Check your phone reception force to sign the network

If you look at your phone screen, you will find an indicator that shows the Half reception force for the signal, which is measured by the Decibel-Milliwats (DBM), and this scale varies from phone to phone

IPhone owners can contact the symbol * 3001#12345# * to know the actual reception power of their phones

As for the users of Android phones, they can know the strength of the reception through "Settings".

The higher the number, the better receiving the phone for the signal. For good conversations, the number must be higher than -100DBM

9 ways to strengthen the mobile network في أي مكان

In the event that the number is less, the calls can fail, so try to be in the place where this number rises

2- Select the best place where there is a strong reception for the signal

يمكنك التحرك حول أو داخل منزلك، للبحث عن المناطق التي يمكن فيها لهاتفك أن يستقبل إشارة قوية

وذلك عن طريق النظر للمؤشر أو المقياس الخاص بقوة الإشارة.

3- Open the window

4- Look for the nearest tower to strengthen a mobile signal from you

بالرغم من أن أغلب الأشخاص يفضلون عدم العيش بالقرب من أبراج إشارة الهاتف المحمول
إلا أن كلما كنت قريب من تلك الأبراج، كلما كان استقبال الهاتف للإشارة أفضل
على أى حال يمكن حل هذه المشكلة عن طريق استخدام تطبيقات مثل OpenSignal الذي يُظهر خريطة للأبراج الموجودة بمنطقتك، بما فيها البرج الذي يتصل به هاتفك.
ويمكنك باستخدام هذا التطبيق، أن تقوي الإشارة، عن طريق توجيه هاتفك ناحية البرج الذي يتصل به.

5- Choose the open places open

You must be present in the open open places, and your phone will take a better signal

If you live or be near from a mobile phone tower for your network, and opened the closest window or stand near it, you will enable you to get a strong signal for a conversation without interruption.

6- Contact the nearest reinforcing tower

Often the mobile phone does not connect to the nearest tower, but it connects to a long tower to prevent the occurrence of confusion

But despite this, you can contact the nearest signaling tower, by converting the phone to a few seconds or restarting.

7- Change the way you carry the phone

Some versions of iPhone phones were criticized for the instability of the signal, but the company replied that the way users carry their phones can affect the reference reception.

The best way to carry the phone is that the user keeps his hand from the phone or antenna until the signal is received well

It is preferable to use earphones, so that it is not unintended.

8- Change the communications company you deal with

It is possible that the problem is in the communication network that you deal with

Some companies have better coverage than others, especially in rural areas

لذا قرر أي شبكة سوف تعمل بشكل أفضل بالنسبة لمكان تواجدك وقم بالتغيير إليها، وهي ضمن الـ 9 ways to strengthen the mobile network

9- A reference device for the signal

There are telecommunications companies in some countries that provide their customers with reference devices, which allows the calls naturally to their phones even in the weak coverage places of the network.

There are also reinforced devices sold by other communication networks

However, while these devices are available in Egypt, they are illegal and the law criminalizes their use of their multiple problems

Therefore, we do not recommend using this method so that it does not fall under the penalty of the law


تابع الشرقية توداي على جوجل نيوز


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