• English

5 mental problems caused by addiction on the smartphone

Every person looks at his mobile phone 150 times a day, which confirms that smartphones have turned from a complement to our daily life into a communication tool that is indispensable to the degree of addiction to it, according to a report in the Spanish magazine "Tech Pitt".

The expert from Catalonia Open University and the vice president of the academic director of psychology and education science studies, Manuel Armionis, analyzes five mental problems caused by addiction on the mobile phone.

In this context, many experts shed light on mental illnesses that could result in excessive dependence on mobile devices, as well as disturbances that may affect the ability to interact with other human beings and the ability to focus mainly..

The magazine indicated that although the World Health Organization and ministries of various countries have not recognized at the present time online addiction within the mental illness classification systems, many are heading towards psychotherapy due to their awareness of the loss of control of themselves in front of the mobile use, and they feel that they have become addicted.

Therefore, expert Manuel Armionis analyzed the main negative phenomena that led to addiction to these devices, as well as the mechanisms necessary to overcome these problems:

1- الخوف من فوات الشيء أو ما يعرف بالفوموأوردت المجلة أن الخوف من فوات الشيء أو ما يعرف بالفومو يعدّ أحد الاضطرابات التي تصيب معظم من لديه حسابات على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، حيث يحتاج الشخص تقريبا، وبشكل إلزامي، إلى الدخول باستمرار إلى صفحات فيسبوك أو إنستغرام.

5 مشاكل عقلية يسببها الإدمان على الهاتف الذكي

According to the psychologist at the University of Essex Andrew Brzezipski and his team, who have been studying these diseases for years, this condition is spreading more common among adolescents and youth, especially among men.Besides, most of the people who suffer from it are very satisfied with their lives.The problem is that instead of feeling satisfied after spending time on Facebook, they end up with sadness.

2- رهاب فقدان الهاتف المحمول أو النوموفوبياأوردت المجلة أن النوموفوبيا تكمن في الخوف من فقدان الهاتف المحمول من بين أيدينا.In this regard, Armionis asserts that "there are people who take their phones to the bathroom and carry them in their pockets, even when doing some household tasks during cleaning or in the kitchen.".

The phobia is manifested in this case in two different types, namely the fear of the lack of a mobile phone near it, or the fear of running out of the battery before reaching the house, which in turn includes the lack of coverage.

According to the expert, among the solutions that help to avoid them should be exposed to cases in which you do not need to carry a mobile phone, such as going to buy or carry it without a battery.Moreover, you can turn off the mobile phone at night.

3- متلازمة الاهتزاز الوهميذكرت المجلة أن الاهتزاز الوهمي أو ما يعرف باسم المكالمة الوهمية، هو الإحساس بأن الهاتف يهتز أو يرن في الوقت الذي لم يحدث فيه ذلك.

In general, this excessive vigilance can generate anxiety or emotional attrition.To avoid this, the person should take into account that with the time when his mobile phone uses a rate of 150 times, it will be difficult to miss any notice.In this regard, the expert said that "if these fake vibrations cause our concern, the simplest solution is to stop the phone.".

4- العقل المضطربتكمن هذه الظاهرة في التنقل من صفحة ويب إلى أخرى، والانتقال من محتوى إلى آخر باستخدام الروابط التشعبية للعثور على أفضل المعلومات والعروض والمنتجات، مما يولد شعورا بالاستياء، لأن الشخص يقضي حياته دائمًا يبحث عن شيء أفضل.

In fact, the strategy of avoiding this disease is to control the time it is to search for information and write down what is in the notebook to see if you make progress in collecting information.

5- تأثير غوغلأضافت المجلة أن الأمر يتعلق باستخدام محرك البحث كامتداد لذاكرتنا لنتذكر رقم هاتف أحد أفراد الأسرة أو موعد الطبيب على سبيل المثال.Some experts argue that this situation affects the memory of people because they become less dependent on the short -term memory and more dependent on the long -term memory.

To avoid this, some experts said that "Google causes dry brain, and there are those who argue that information and communications technology cannot even stop it can communicate our minds to the Internet.".As for Armionis, he indicated that we should reconsider with regard to the positives and negatives of possessing a lot of information, which we had previously stored in our brain, whether in a computer or mobile phone.


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