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3 steps to persuade the parents of anything online - Arab women's website

One of the problems that adolescents face everywhere in the world is one of the problems that adolescents face everywhere in the world.During the following lines, we will give you some easy steps and methods that help you persuade your parents of what you want.

The first step: To prepare yourself and prepare for discussion by:

-Searching for the thing you want to persuade your parents: You must know well what you want;So you can answer the questions of your parents.If you want to buy a mobile phone, you have to know the prices of devices, the cost of service and everything related to it.Explain the matter in an organized way, it will help your parents feel more comfortable about the idea, because you will look mature and conscious.You can also, if you want it, tell them that you intend to pay part of the costs of the purpose you want to buy.

-Define your sources.If you want to obtain the approval of your parents to visit one of your friends, or want to go to an institution, you have to leave your girlfriend's phone number or the institution.And if there is knowledge of your girlfriend or the institution, you will increase the chances of persuading you.

-Take the main points.During the discussion, you may forget some important points that you should discuss.Therefore, make sure to write and write 3 or 4 main points to persuade and make your discussion.

-Prepare some of the questions of quality;Did you arrange or clean your room?Or have your school jobs end?..etc..So, you have to do all that is required of you before starting the discussion with your parents, and thus will know the parents how important it is for you.

The second step: starting the persuasion phase

Choose the right time.The most appropriate time to discuss with your parents is when they are happy or at a moment of relaxation and comfort.And make sure not to enter them in a discussion, if they feel tired or tired, because they will feel annoyed and your request is rejected.You should finish all the tasks required of you, because if they are not executed, your request may be rejected for this reason.

3 خطوات لإقناع والديكِ بأي شيء لها أون لاين - موقع المرأة العربية

-Preserving the tone of sound and quiet tone.If your parents feel your anger and grumbling, they will think that you did not mature enough to deal with what you ask of them.Even if things do not end as you want, behave ripening in all cases, this will pave the way for future discussions that may be in your favor.

-Bring them enough time to think about the matter.Do not force them to respond to you immediately.Tell them that you will return to them after a few hours or days, while preparing to answer any questions or inquiries they have.Through this, you will realize that you want to discuss this topic is a mature discussion, such as adults and that you are ready to work to solve any possible problems.

-Access to a compromise.Make sure to reach an agreement, you and your parents make you happy.Tell them that you are ready to help them in something or do additional work at home.Make sure they get anything for this request.

The third step, how do you deal with rejection?

-Ask them about the reason for rejection.You can always ask about the reasons not to allow you to do what you want.Sometimes they will provide you with correct, clear and convincing reasons, and sometimes the reasons may be vague.As long as you ask about the reasons in a mature way, most parents will be happy to explain these reasons.Ask them about their fears, and try to address it.This may change their opinion and their view of your request.If you know the reason for rejection, you can find a way to get rid of this reason and persuade them.

-Be careful to what you do before convincing them of anything.Where your parents will take your study signs, and your behaviors.So, make sure to remember your lessons, get excellent tags, in addition to doing your homework without asking you to do so, and stay away from any problems.Make them feel that you take responsibility enough to get what you want.

-Be gentle with them, naturally without counterfeiting.Do not make them feel upset.Gently treat them, and behave as you usually behave.It may seem to be as if they are not interested, but they are happy from the inside and this will have a positive impact on you in the long run.

-Write a message to them.Sometimes, parents respond better when there is a written argument.Write them a convincing message and explain to your parents the reasons for your entitlement to what you are trying to get.This seems professional, and you will be impressed by your parents in your mature way in dealing with the situation.

-Replace your strategy.If your method of persuasion does not succeed, try to change the arguments and the reasons that help you get what you want.Do not use the same method and the arguments again and again.Show them that you have a lot of reasons that qualify you to get what you want.

-Let it not be.Sometimes, you must accept the decision at this moment.Easily say to them: "Well, thank you for discussing the matter with me.".You can try again at another time, but during this period, show them how responsibility is, you may convince them to change their opinion.


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