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11 legends about the mobile phone battery .. What is the truth?

Is it bad that your phone is connected to electricity all night?Should you wait until your battery is running out to charge your phone?Technology experts reveal the truth about this.

Legend 1: Electricity Delivery all night

In its report published by the American magazine "Readers Digest", writer Marissa Lieberrt said that smart technology prevents the phone from continuing to ship once the shipping is complete.According to Sergio Flores, an electronics engineer at Samsung, if the battery charge decreases again to a certain point while it is still connected to electricity, the phone realizes when the shipping begins again.

Legend 2: Energy -saving mode

The writer stated that keeping your phone in the energy -saving situation after shipping will not harm the programming of the phone, but it may lead to a poor experience for the user.For his part, Brad Nichols, a technician at the "Stay Mobile" maintenance services, explained that "the phones have been designed to be really impressive and give you a great experience, but when you put it in the energy -saving situation, they get rid of all the things that are excessive, and may make lightingThe low -vision phone screen, and you may notice that the sound is not as high as you want. "

Legend 3: Security in the public shipping port

The use of a public outlet may put your personal information at risk, unlike your electricity socket with which you connect the charger, these wires you see in restaurants and airports create an easy path to transfer data."It is possible that the hackers can access anything on your phone, including emails, texts and photos. If you are forced to charge your phone in public placesThe mobile charger is a safer option. "

Legend 4: Charging the new phone fully reported that the new phone contains some energy, so its use will not affect its life cycle in the long run.The only reason that causes some manufacturers to suggest shipping first before using it is to leave a good initial impression.By the time the new phone reaches your hands, the tests and the manufacturing process have already drained up to half of the battery capacity.On this matter, Nichols stated that "most of the time these recommendations aim to make users feel as if they were getting the device the quality they promised."

Legend 5: Do not charge the phone until the battery runs out

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It is better to charge the lithium ion battery in your phone before its energy is completely running out.According to Flores, "this type of batteries loses its full capacity when the shipment is depleted, and therefore when recharged, it does not return to the same level it was at the beginning."

Legend 6: Applications do not consume great energy

The author stated that only one application can consume a great deal of your phone battery power.Perhaps the most prominent example of these applications is Facebook, as Nichols stressed that "this application is constantly looking for messages and case updates."Also, some Android users reported that deleting Facebook applications from the phone helped the rest of the applications to work more quickly by 15%, and provided 20% of their phone battery life.

Legend 7: There is no point in turning off my phone

The writer showed that re -seizing your phone may help keep the battery.But most people do not completely close the applications when they are finished using them, so they remain activated.Every application may not use a lot of energy, but the more consuming it is the short battery life.In other words, if you are used to leaving the applications open, reset your phone at least once a week to prevent applications from energy absorption.

Legend 8: The phone should not be used while shipping

Do not hesitate to open applications or receive calls while charging your phone.In this regard, Flores said that "although the energy used while charging the phone differs from the one that the battery usually uses, but the results of the electrical circuits and their performance are always the same."There is one warning that should be paid attention to;It is that open applications use energy while charging the phone, which means that charging will take longer, so if you need full charge quickly, you should not tamper with your phone.

Legend 9: I should save money by buying a counterfeit charger

The writer noted that buying a counterfeit charger on a well -known brand may damage your phone battery.Nichols explained that "cheap charging devices do not necessarily have the standards in force to charge your phone constantly with the required energy. The volatility of the electric voltage may damage the charger port, and even damage the battery. So your best bet is to stick to the products approved by the manufacturer."

Legend 10: There is no use in clicking on "output"

It should be noted that separating your phone from your computer without clicking on the phrase "output" may damage your files.For his part, Nichols said that "if you remove the phone from the computer before transferring pictures or data, the cancellation of its connection may lead to disrupting this connection quickly."You may end up with damaged files or your phone refrains from making full backup copies.

Legend 11: Searching for the Wi-Fi network kills the battery

The writer reported that the search for the Wi-Fi network consumes energy, but not to the extent that it can be noticed.When your phone starts searching for the Wi-Fi, it is looking for signals from access points and sends its own signals to inform it of its presence in the same place, but this does not mean that you need to turn off the Wi-Fi network every time you leave the house.


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