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Causes and symptoms of lung cancer

Causes and symptoms of lung cancer Lung cancer, in which smoking is a major factor, ranks first among cancer-related deaths. However, when the disease is detected at an early stage, the chance of curing the disease increases.

Lung cancer begins when cells of normal, structural lung tissue multiply uncontrollably, forming a mass (tumor) in the lung. The mass formed here first grows in its environment and at later stages spreads to surrounding tissues or distant organs (liver, bones, brain, etc.) through the circulatory system, causing damage to them.

The risk is 20 times higher for those who smoke a pack of cigarettes per day for 30 years compared to non-smokers. Risks are also increased in people younger than 20 years old to start smoking, passive smokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke even if they don't smoke, and those who smoke pipes and cigars. Although the risk decreases 5 years after quitting, it does not go away completely.

Air pollution, pre-existing lung disease and a family history of lung cancer also increase the risk.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a very common cancer. It is the cause of 12-16% of all cancers and 17-28% of cancer-related deaths. In addition, it ranks first in cancer-related deaths in both men and women. Cough, which is among the first symptoms of lung cancer, is often ignored because it is thought to be caused by other causes. However, a persistent cough that lasts for more than two weeks and gets progressively worse and whose cause cannot be determined is the main indicator of lung cancer. Moreover, the presence of blood in the sputum or the dark brown color of the sputum is also known to be an important symptom of lung cancer.

Again, chest pain, which can have a number of causes, is actually one of the main symptoms of lung cancer. If chest pain increases with deep breathing, coughing, or laughing, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Lung cancer causes and symptoms


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