Li -Lithium salts are necessary to produce batteries for mobile devices and electric vehicles.Over the past 18 months, the prices of lithium carbonate and the lithium hydroxide increased at irrational rates, and pressure accelerated since the beginning of this year..In January 2021, according to S & B Global Platz, the cost of lithium carbonate amounted to about $ 9,600 per ton.At the end of January of this year, the same article was priced at more than $ 50,000 per ton.This is a purchase of panic, not discovering the rational price.This is the result of the demand that was strongly supported through the regulations and consumer options in Europe, the United States and China, and the offer that was restricted due to investment in recent years.While there are some lithium coming from new or expanded mines in Australia, the United States, Brazil and other places, other sources that were expected in Chile and Serbia are closed by the local opposition or its restriction..Technology, or the use of different chemicals for batteries and the most efficient use of available materials, is bound by physics or weight requirements.Even intensive engineering and project development will not easily lead the gap in the requirements of lithium until 2030, 2035 or 2050, or any political goal that is chosen.Magic thinking will not help."There is no equivalent in the batteries of the Moore Law, which states that the number of components that can be crammed in an integrated circle doubles every year.The density of energy, battery life, shipping time, etc. improve, but there will be no revolution in the five years to the next ten.There will be, for example, 5 percent annual improvements in performance, and this will require work..Governments in the United States and Europe are keen to possess clean batteries factories, but exploration and refining them are less attractive.The new Chilean government insists, reasonably, that the use of groundwater that cannot be actually compensated for the production of more lithium salts in the Atakama desert is inappropriate and social..Ready response from environmental protection advocates in rich countries is that the batteries must be made of recycled materials.But the scrap must be collected and equipped to re -manufacture, and the losses are inevitable.Even in theory, this does not increase the total amount of the materials required for the battery.All of us have spoiled the wonderful increases in the benefit of mobile devices based on micro processors.This is the field in which Moore's law succeeded.But the cargo and people pay.Also, after a certain point, the cramming of more energy in packages increases the risk and intensity of batteries.China was faster to adopt the use of battery -powered cars from the United States or Europe.However, you avoided some imports of batteries and their lack by using more lithium, iron and phosphate compounds for certain parts instead of nickel and cobalt compounds that provide a greater range for rich world customers..Cheap and local is a logical option for cars inside cities, small trucks and buses.Even China cannot engineer all its lithium needs, which depends heavily on imported crude from Australia and the salts of Chile.Frankly, the most used lithium price chain is the Chinese -picnic lithium carbonate.Why do we not make people - somewhere - are mining more lithium and refining them, especially these prices? One of the mining investors says, "Yes, in the end some troubled Australian excavators will come, and people who have stock now (or are confused) will sell at some point.Then the prices will collapse, as happened in the last session..At that time, the price of lithium fell from more than 17 thousand dollars per ton in 2015 to about eight thousand dollars in 2018, then he recovered until the beginning of last year.Virtual storage and storage companies can respond by contracting in the future for a period of four or five years of time for mining investments.It seems easy, but as one of the economists in the industry says, "a year and a half ago, in the middle of Kovid, who would have been betting for five years on a significant increase in the demand for the electric car? Car industry companies can switch faster than the production phase supplies of minerals.".You may think that government investment in research and development could have maintained more innovation, but no."Even the Advanced Energy Research Projects Agency (US Energy Research) wants plans to reach the market and only happy ends," says Professor Donald Sadway, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who specializes in battery technology..Expect a greater price for laptops and electric cars.