President Joe Biden announced a new wave of sanctions against Russia and said that the United States is deploying additional forces in Germany to support NATO in the face of "blatant aggression" from President Vladimir Putin..
He speaks during a White House press conference, the president said, "Freedom will prevail" after Mr. Putin, "Choose this war".
President Biden said that the sanctions imposed by the United States today aim to "maximize the long -term influence" on Russia, while reducing the impact on the allies..
The explosions near the major Ukrainian cities, including the capital, Kyiv - follow the live updates
The United States deploys 7,000 soldiers in Germany
He explained that the American forces will not fight in Ukraine, but the United States will help defend "every inch of NATO lands" - as it allowed additional American forces to be sent to Germany..
A glimpse of the main developments: • 40 Ukrainian soldiers and dozens of civilians were killed • The news reported that 50 Russian soldiers were killedIn World War II • The Champions League final will be transferred from Russia
A US defense official later confirmed that the United States will send 7,000 soldiers to Germany to help reassure NATO allies who are part of a larger unit that was already placed on alert earlier this year..
The official added that the forces will consist of an armored combat brigade and will leave for Germany in the coming days.
Mr. Biden confirmed that NATO will hold a summit tomorrow with the leaders of 20 ally countries and close partners.
This will "confirm our solidarity and define the following steps that we will take to increase the strengthening of all aspects of our alliance with NATO".
"Strong restrictions" on exports to Russia
The US President said that "strong restrictions" will be imposed on what can be exported from the United States to Russia, which will hinder its access to global exports to everything from commercial electronics and computers to semiconductors and aircraft parts.
He said: “This will impose a high cost on the Russian economy, whether immediately or over time.
“We have intentionally designed these sanctions to maximize the long -term impact on Russia and reduce the impact on the United States and our allies.
I want to be clear that the United States does not do it alone.
“For months, we were building an alliance of partners representing more than half of the global economy.“
More sanctions on Russian banks
قال بايدن إن الولايات المتحدة ستعيق قدرة الروس على تمويل وتنمية الجيش الروسي – وتقليل قدرتهم على “المنافسة في اقتصاد القرن الحادي والعشرين عالي التقنية“.
He added: “We have now imposed sanctions on Russian banks, which collectively possess assets of about a trillion dollars.We have cut off the largest bank in Russia, a bank that owns more than a third of Russia's banking assets.We cut it from the American financial system.
Today we are also banning four other major banks.This means that all their assets will be frozen in America.This includes VTB, the second largest bank in Russia, which has $ 250 billion assets.
As we promised, we also add names to the list of Russian elites and members of their families who also punish them.“
وأوضح أن هؤلاء هم الأشخاص الذين “يستفيدون شخصيًا“ من سياسات الكرملين.
وقال “بعض أقوى تأثيرات أفعالنا ستأتي بمرور الوقت“.Between our actions and the actions of our allies and partners, we can cut more than half of the high -tech Russia imports.
سيكون بوتين “منبوذاً“ على المسرح العالمي
قال الرئيس الأمريكي إنه يقدر أن العقوبات ستقطع “أكثر من نصف“ واردات روسيا عالية التقنية بعد أن وعد سابقًا “بتكاليف سريعة وشديدة“ إذا تحركت القوات الروسية أوكرانيا.
وقال إن بوتين سيكون “منبوذا“ على المسرح العالمي بعد أن سمح الرئيس الروسي “بانتهاك صارخ للقانون الدولي“.
وقال الرئيس: “منذ أسابيع، كنا نحذر من أن هذا سيحدث، والآن يتكشف إلى حد كبير كما توقعنا“.
لكن بايدن حذر من أن عدوان بوتين سيكلف روسيا ثمناً باهظاً وأن الناتو “أكثر اتحاداً من أي وقت مضى“.
At the end of his statement, he said: “America stands in the face of the bullies. We stand [for] freedom - this is what we are.“.
The first wave of penalties was announced earlier this week
Mr. Biden announced the first wave of US sanctions against Russia in response to Moscow's actions in Ukraine on Tuesday.
He said that the sanctions will be imposed on Russian banks, the Oligarra and the sovereign debt.
وصرح للصحفيين بأن القوات الروسية تتلقى أوامر بالتوجه إلى الشرق أوكرانيا بعد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الاعتراف باستقلال منطقتين انفصاليتين يمثل “بداية الغزو“.
The sanctions targeted the Russian VEB Bank and the country's military bank, Promsvyazbank, which concludes defensive deals, and also applied to Russia's sovereign debt.
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في غضون ذلك، قال رئيس الوزراء البريطاني بوريس جونسون إنه كذلك ضرب روسيا بما أسماه “أكبر مجموعة من العقوبات التي فرضتها حكومة المملكة المتحدة في أي مكان على الإطلاق“.Targeting individuals, including the son -in -law of President Vladimir Putin.
On Thursday morning, the Moscow Exchange suspended trading for a short period in all its markets.
Upon resumption of trading, the MEEX index decreased in the ruble by more than 20 % and the RTS index decreased in the dollar by more than a third.
President Biden postponed his speech several times this morning, as his team drafted their response and coordinated with the allies.
In the end, more than 12 hours passed the invasion when he appeared in the eastern room of the White House.
وردًا على غزو توقعه ولم يستطع إيقافه، قال: “بوتين هو المعتدي، اختار بوتين هذه الحرب، والآن سيتحمل هو وبلده العواقب“.
“The Russian army began a brutal attack on the people of Ukraine without provocation and without justification.Without necessity. هذا هجوم مع سبق الإصرار“.
The penalties, a deterrent tool that clearly failed, must become a tool for punishment.Recount.
“We have beenolated the largest bank in Russia, a bank that owns more than a third of Russia’s banking assets alone.And we cut it from the American financial system.Today we also prevent more major banks.This means all the assets they have in America will be frozen ...
The implicit meaning here was clear: the invasion happened.It cannot be stopped, it cannot be stopped.Now it comes to cutting Russia.
He said, "Putin's aggression against Ukraine will end up to Russia's economically and strategically highly incurred.We will make sure of that. سيكون بوتين منبوذا على المسرح الدولي“.
What about the threats of a man whom Western leaders once believed that they were able to manage and read it?
وسئل عما إذا كان يرى كلمات بوتين حول عواقب رد الفعل الغربي “أعظم من أي رد فعل في التاريخ“.Did he believe that Putin was threatening a nuclear strike?
"I have no idea what he threatens.I know what he did.“
He announced that more American forces will move across Europe to the Eastern NATO wing, and more America will be sent.A unified front against a tyrant they want to isolate.
Frankly, it is not possible to exaggerate the danger of the moment President Biden is now facing.The leader of the free world is now forced to think about this great fear for a long time - a confrontation with Russia.
If the president's life is cited from time to time as a problem, well at this moment, he gives him a vital perspective of history.
However, I came to me when the media in the eastern room shouted with questions, the wisdom of life does not give him answers;This is this challenge for the global system, for peace.